Historic, Archive Document
Do not assume content reflects current
scientific knowledge, policies, or practices.
Founded 1854 by THOMAS MEEHAN
J. FRANKLIN Mgeuan, Pres’t f Inceérpor 02
S. MenpDELson MEEHAN, Vice-Pres’t CAP L WOae Crakoonion
Tuomas B MEEHAN, Sec. & Treas. Uy. S Depa rime OfRori H
apes eet LCURELF)
FAD eshington, 8. C.
Wholesale Trade List
1854 wmrryveans 1904.
Certificate of Inspection of Nursery Stock No. 656.
This is to certify that the stock in the nursery of THOMAS MEEHAN & SONS, INC., of
Dreshertown, County of Montgomery, State of Pennsylvania, was duly examined in com-
pliance with the provisions of the Act of Legislature of Pennsylvania, approved the roth
day of June, A.D., 1901, and it was found to be apparently free from San Jose Scale and
other dangerously injurious insect pest or pests.
This Certificate expires July 31, 1905. 2 4
Dated Harrisburg, Pa., Sept. 12, 1904. Ly > Le Af
. 2 fn
GEO. C. BUTZ, Inspector. Secretary of Agriculture.
Our nurseries have been carefully inspected and no trace
of scale or other injurious insects found. For the benefit of
customers, however, who wish stock fumigated, we have
erected a fumigating house, and when requested to do so will
fumigate shipments before packing.
This will be done, however, entirely at the risk of the
Thomas Meehan & Sons, Inc.
Wholesale Department
Dreshertown, Montgomery Co., Penna.
Important! Please Read!
a CUSTOMERS are requested to state the mode of conveyance by which
they desire their trees forwarded. When no route is named we forward to
the best of our judgment ; but in no case do we assume any responsibility
after the goods are shipped, unless for our own mistakes.
TERMS CASH, on or before delivery to express or railroad agents,
unless by special arrangement.
TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTY, twenty-five and five will be furnished at
the thousand, hundred and ten rates respectively.
PACKING CHARGED EXTRA, but only sufficient to cover cost of time
and material.
Post-Office Orders payable at Dreshertown, Montgomery Co., Pa.
Telegraph Office, Ambler, Pa.
VISITORS are always welcome and should take train at the Reading
Terminal, 12th and Market Streets, Philadelphia, for Camp Hill Station, or
at Broad Street Station, Pennsylvania R. R., for Fort Hill Station. Be sure
that the train you take stops at these stations.
NOTICE.—It is necessary that you should Telephone us (Bell Phone,
26 Fort Washington) in advance of your coming, so that we can senda
carriage to the station for you. Our office is 2% miles from either station.
pet. -
AF eae
The entire building is occupied as offices. Packing and Storage Houses in the rear.
‘¢Trans.’’ signifies the stock has been once or more transplanted.
‘s‘Seed.’’ that it is still in Seedling Beds.
Acer eolebicum see Colchican Maple, 6 to 12 in, trans,
6 to 7 ft. trans.
dasycarpum, Silver Maple, 12 to 18 in. seed,
se se a 4 to 5 ft. trans.
6 to 8 ft. trans.
66 &6 6b
Per 10 Per 100 Per 1000
$1 00
3 30
2 $050 §$ 400
1 00 8 00
1 50 10 00 80 00
“ “ “ 9 to 10 ft. trans. 1 75 12 00 100 00:
6 bb bb Qe 10 to 12 ft. trans. 2 50 15 00
bs WOR Cut-leaf, 6 to 8 ft. trans. 250 2000
6 10 to 12 ft. trans. 4 00 30 00
Acer ROBunGY, Ash- ENE Maple. Box Elder, lto2ft.seed. 25 50 3 50
2 to 3 ft. seed. 30 60 4 00
“ 6 oT “ ue ‘* 3 to 4 ft. seed. 35 65 5 00
66 ts 66 oe WG os 4 to 5 ft. seed. 50 75 6 00
“ 66 6 se se ‘“ 5 to 6 ft. seed. 60 85 7 00
‘C “6 “ bs uC ‘* 6 to 8 ft, trans. 1 50 10 00 80 00
& 6 6 66 oe “ 8 to 10 ft. trans. 1 75 12 00 100 00
Pr ‘6 6 “ Of ** 10 to 12 ft. trans. 2 00 15 00 125 00:
“ se “ 6 as ‘¢ 12 to 14 ft. trans. 3 00 20 00
66 muscrophy lute Oregon Maple, 6 to 8 in. seed. 25 1 50 10 00
ry 214 to 3 ft. trans, 2 00
‘“ Pennsylvanicum Dato) Striped Maple, 2 to 2)4 ft, trans, 250 20 00
Ka “6 38to4ft. trans. 3 50 30 00
66 obtusatum 4todft.trans. 3 50
“ platanoides, Norway Maple, 4to5ft.trans, 1 75 15 00 125 00
‘6 bb 3 66
5 to 6 ft. trans.
7 to 8 ft. trans.
ob 66 66
66 66 66
66 és 66
234 to 3 in, calliper specimens
2 00 18 00 150 00.
250 2000
8 tol0ft. trans, 3 50 30 00
30 00
Aa@The 12 to 15 ft., 234 to 3 in. calliper specimen trees were recently transplanted,
set wide apart in nursery rows and have large, well-developed heads, straight
trunks and heavily rooted. Where fine selected trees
best meet the requirements.
pseudo-platanus, Sycamore Maple, 6 to 12 in. seed.
&“ 12 to 18 in. seed.
bs sh e 18 to 24 in. seed.
“6 oe st 2 to 24 ft. seed.
ry ue ae 4 to 5 ft. trans.
ry 6 G 5 to 6 ft. trans.
rubrum, Red or Scarlet Maple, 2 to 234 ft. seed.
6c 46 6 ‘
5 to 6 ft. trans.
are required these will
25 50 3 50
35 60 4 00
40 63 5 00
50 75 6 00
1 25 10 00 90 00
1 50 12 00 100 00
40 2 00 15 00
1 75 15 00
Perl0 Perl100 Per 1000
Acer saccharinum, Sugar or Rock Maple, 6tol2in.seed. $0 25 $1 00 $ 8 00
iT ‘es * te *
12 to 18 in. seed. 35 1 25 10 00
6 a = gh: “6 5 to 6 ft. trans. 1 75 15 00
4 ad 2 = he 6 to 8 ft. trans. 2 00 18 00
a 23 ar - . 10 to 12 ft. trans. 2 50 22 00
2: s se e st 144 to 2in. calliper 4 00 40 00
oa RE ee of at 2 to 234 in. calliper 5 00 30 00
<. . “ ak, “* 244 to 3 in. calliper spec. 30 00
Agar Like the specimen Norway Maples, these 214 to 3 in. calliper specimen Sugar
Maples are beautiful trees for immediate effect and will produce results at
once, It is extra fine stock.
ou 2 oe Black Sugar Maple, 6 to 8 ft. trans. 1 75 15 00
ss -* 8 to 10 ft. trans, 2 50 20 00
** Schwedleri, Purpie-leaved Norway 5 to 6 ft. trans. 3 50
= “2 “ * ae 7 to 8 ft. trans. 5 00 30 00
3 J. + fe * 8 to 9 ft. trans. 6 00 60 00
‘ spicatum, Mountain Viaple, 4 to 5in. seed. 25 2 00
‘* striatum (see Acer Pennsylvanicum)
‘© Tataricum Ginnala, 12 to 18 in. seed. 35 2 00
ce -* * 5 to 6 in. seed. 25 1 00
BE ss “ bushy, 2 to 3 ft. trans. 1 75 15 00
“: a ae bushy, 3 to 4 ft. trans. 2 00 18 00
=! & ae very area 4to43¢ ft.trans. 2 50 20 00
33 ss aE ee 5 ft. trans. 3 50
Be trilobatum 24to3ft. trans. 3 50
&a-The Acer Ginnala is one of the finest bush-like growing trees in cultiva-
tion and should be largely used in park and cemetery planting, either as a
single specimen or in large masses. Nothing surpasses the richness of its
coloring in the fall.
4@-All of the Japanese Maples offered by us are of our own propagation. Cus-
tomers who have planted them side by side with the rough, hide-bound
and poorly-rooted imported Japanese plants quickly recognize the merits of
our home-grown stock. Itis worth the little additional price charged over
the imported stock.
Perl0 Perl00 Per 1000
Acer polymorphum, Creen-leaf, 18 to 24in. trans. $10 00
s s “ 2to 244 ft. trans. 12 50
& “ sé 3 to 4 ft. in tubs 20 00
ws 2: ampelopsilobum, 5in. pots, 18 to 24 in. 12 50
&s on ascopuepurpauy Blood- -leaf, 10 to 15 in. trans, 8 50
‘ “ 12 to 18 in. trans. 10 00
‘sc “ & “ 18 to 24in. trans. 12 50
“ 6 se ** heavy specimens, 234 ft. trans. 50 00
‘i ee sé 2 ve 3ft. trans. 60 00
> as dissectum atropurpureum, ae
Purple Cut-leaf \ 18 to 24 in. from pots 12 50
és re “ + 2 to 234 ft. = 15 00
6s & st 2 214 to 3 ft. trans. 20 00
“s BE reticulatum, 18 to 24 in. from pots 12 50
&s s J 2to3ft.from pots 20 00
“ Japonicum 3 ft. from pots 17 50
fEsculus glabra, Ohio Buckeye. 4 to o ft. trans. 2 50
‘“ hippocastanum, Eu. Horse-Chestnut, 4 to 10 in. seed. 25 $0 50 $4 00
s “ “ 2 to 3 ft. trans. 1 50 12 00
6s ts ee 2: 3 to 4 ft. trans. 2 CO 15 00
6 & alba fl. pl. Double White, 6 to8 ft. trans. 4 00
ce “e rubra fi. pl., Double Red, 10 ft. trans. 12 50
Ailanthus glandulosa, Ailanthus, 244 to 3 ft. trans. 1 00
“ female, 3 to 5 ft. trans. 2 00
Alnus glutinosa, European Alder,
66 Se be ee
* _ incana,
6s 66
66 6s
6s 66
‘s serrulata extra heavy clumps,
Amygdalus Bors Double Pink Peach,
White '°
as oe 66 Red ie
Aralia Japonica
66 66
‘* spinosa, Hercules Club
bs ‘6 ss
‘ Mandshurica
6&6 66
66 66
_4to 6 ft. trans,
6 to 8 ft. trans.
4 to 6 ft. trans.
7 to 8 ft. trans.
8 to 10 ft. trans.
10 to 12 ft. trans,
3 to 4 ft. trans.
4 to 5 ft. trans.
4 to 5 ft. trans,
4to 5 ft. trans.
2 to 3 ft. trans.
8 to 344 ft. trans.
4 to 5 ft. trans.
2 to 3 ft. trans.
3 to 4ft. trans.
18 to 24 in. trans,
2 to 3 ft. trans.
3 to 4 ft. trans.
Per10 Perl00 Per 1000
$ 8 00
10 00
8 00
10 00
12 00
15 00
15 00
15 00
10 00
4—-The Aralia Mandshurica is a stronger grower than the spinosa, with larger
It should be
The Japonica is likewise better than
spinosa, though not as good as the Mandshurica.
foliage and flower-heads, and the leaves are of a richer green.
used as a substitute forthe spinosa.
Betula alba, European White Birch,
6é 6s es ft
66 oe 6s be
66 oe 6s ee
Cut-leaf Weeping Birch
purpurea, Purple-leaved,
* lenta, Sweet Birch,
* lutea, Yellow Birch,
$6 66 &
66 oe
66 oe be
6s os cs be
‘“ _ papyracea, Paper or Canoe Birch,
oe 6s eé se
$6 66 66 6s 66
“ rubra (nigra) Red ie Water Birch,
74 6s 66
2 to 3 ft. trans,
4 to dft, trans,
5 to 6 ft. trans.
6 to § ft. trans.
10 to 12 ft. trans.
4 to 6 ft. trang.
3 to 4 ft. trans.
6 to 7 ft. trans,
344 to 4 ft. trans.
6 to 8 ft. trans.
9 to 10 ft. trans.
10 to 12 ft. trans.
7 to 8 ft. trans.
8 to 10 ft. trans.
10 to 12 ft. trans.
18 to 24 in. seed.
12 to 18 in. seed.
2 ft. trans.
4 to 5 ft. tr. heavy
5 to 6 ft. trans.
10 to 12 ft. trans.
Broussonetia Bapyaiters Paper Mulberry, 2 to3 ft. seed.
ss Specimens, 10 to 12 ft. trans.
Carpinus Americanus, Am. Hornbeam,
sé ce ss 66
6 ee ss ee
sc Boome Eu. Hornbeam
Carya ae Shellbark Hickory
6 amara, Bitternut,
6s be
6s 66 os
+ microcarpa.
as Northumberland
sC olivefornus, Pecan -
% sé
~ tomentosa.
1 to 2 ft. trans,
2 to 3 ft. trans.
3 to 4 ft. trans.
4to 5 ft. trans.
2 to 3 ft. trans.
3 to 4 ft. trans.
4 to 6 in. seed.
18 to 24 in. seed.
12 to 18 in. seed.
18 to 24 in. seed.
2 to 244 ft. seed.
5 to7 ft.
6 to 8 in. seed.
4 to 6 in. seed.
10 to 18 in. seed.
6 in. seed.
1 00
1 50
1 75
1 50
8 00
12 00
15 00
18 00
20 00
12 00
25 00
30 00
25 00
30 00
80 00
1 50
9 00
10 00
8 00
10 00
12 60
18 00
10 00
12 00
1 50
3 00
2 00
3 00
3 00
1 00
2 00
$10 00
10 00
12 00
Perl0 Perl00 Per 1000
Castanea Americana, Am. Chestnut, 4 to 5 ft. trans. $150 $12 00
“ e # = 6 ft. trans. 2 00 15 00
‘a pumila, Chinquepin, 18 to 24 in. 1 50
i vesca, Spanish Chestnut, 8 to 10 ft. 3 50
Catalpa bignonioides, Eastern Catalipa, | ft. seed. 25 95 $5 00
“ bs “i 73 4 to 44g ft. 10 12 00
ce “ ss ar 8 to 10 ft. trans. 2 00
s° aurea, Golden-leaved, 234 to 3 ft. trans. 1 50
ae ss ee 4 ft. trans. 2 00
vt Bungeii, standards, heavy heads, 6 to 7 ft. trans. 7 50
er ci nana, Dwarf Catalpa, bushy, 2to3ft., trans. 2 50 20 00
&4@-This is a form of Catalpa Bungei grafted at the ground instead of en tall
stems. It makes a dwarf dense, ball-shaped plant, very usefal where a
formal bush is required.
“ Kempferi, Japanese, 8 to 10 ft. trans. 2 00
“ “ ws 12.ft. trans. 3 00
“speciosa, Western Catalpa, 6 to 12 in, seed. 25 50 om
“ sc ss ‘6 12 to 18 in. seed, 30 60 4 00
“ « “ “ 18 to 24 in. seed. 35 70 4 50
“ “ “ “% 2 to 3 ft. seed. 40 85 5 00
“ “ “ as 4 to 6 ft. trans. 1 2 10 00
TT « se “ 6 to 8 ft. trans. 1 50 12 00
“ “ “ “ § to 10 ft. trans. 1 75 15 00
“6 “e “ “ 10 to 12 ft. trans. 2 50 20 00
: Tea’s Hybrid, Japan, 234 to 3 ft. seed. 35 75
Celtis occidentalis, Nettle, or Hackberry, 2 to 24 in. seed. 35
“ rT “ “6 5 to 7 ft. trans. 2 50
“ “ “ “6 9 to 10 ft. trans. 8 50
Cerasus avium alba plena, double white,Cherry, 3 to 5 ft. trans. 2 50
ft Padus, European Bird Cherry, 2 to3 ft. trans. 1 00 8 00
“ sb “ “ 3 to 4 ft. trans. 1 50 12 00
te rT & oe 4 to 5 ft. trans. 1 75
se pumila, Sand Cherry, 2 to 24% ft. trans. 1 00 8 00
as ranunculefiora, double white, Cherry, 3 to 5 ft. trans. 2 00
‘“* rosea pendula, Japanese weeping Rose, flowered 3 year heads 7 50
s serotina, Am. Bird Cherry, 2 to 3 ft. trans. 1 00 8 00
“ “ “ “ “ 3 to 4 ft, trans. 1 25 10 00
“ “ “ as 4 to 6 ft. trans. 1 3 12 00
&“ se “ “ & 6 to 8 ft. trans, 17d 15 00
ee Sieboldi rubra plena, double pink 3 to 5 ft. trans. 2
be “ ts “ 5 to 6 ft. trans. 3 00
am Sinensis fi. pl., Chinese double white 3 to 5 ft. trans. 2 00
be Virginiana 8 to 12 in. seed. 25 1 00
“ “ 2 to 3 ft. seed 35 2 00
“sc “ 3 to 4 ft. trans. 1 2%
Cercis Canadensis, Am. Judas or Red Bud, ! to 2 ft. trans, 1 00 8 00
e 43 “ 2 to 3 ft. trans. 12 10 00
‘6 “ « cs 3 to 4 ft. trans. 1 50 12 00 100 00
“ bs “ oss 4 to 5 ft. trans. 1 75 15 00 125 00
“ bs “6 “2 5 to 6 ft. trans, 2 30 20 00
ts “ “ ee 6 to 7 ft. specimens 7 50
“Japonica, Japanese Judas, 2 to 24 ft.trans. 1 00 9 00
rr “ “é a 3 to 344 ft. trans. 1 50 12 00
rr “ te sb 4 ft. trans. specimens 7 40
&G=-It is safe to say that we have the largest and finest stock of Judas, both
American and Japanese, in the country. Fine bushy stock too. Note the
specimens of each. They were recently transplanted and set wider apart to
afford room to develop. They are valuable plants to produce an immediate
Cladrastis tinctoria, (Virgilia lutea) Yellow Wood, | to 2 ft. trans, ] 50
Perl0 Perl00 Per 1000
Cornus florida, White flowered Dogwood, 2 to 2 ft. trans. $100 $8 00
os 66 oe ob
26 2 to 3 ft. trans. 1 25 1000 $9000
i os f ts of 3 to 4 ft. trans. 2 00 15 00 125 00
as he of Ss Sr 4to 5 ft. trans. 2 50 20 00 150 00
“ ee y i. st 5 to 6 ft. trans. 3 00 25 00 175 00
ss ee of ts * 6to8 ft. tr.specimens 10 00
f ‘** pendula, Weeping Dogwood, 2to3 ft. trans, 2 50
+ AS §§ s $ 3 to 4 ft. trans. 3 30
&@- We are recognized as headquarters for Cornus florida. We have them of
all sizes. Not spindley stock originally collected from the wilds, but stock
grown from seed in our own nurseries, and several times transplanted. No
matter what sized plants are ordered they will all be bushy to the ground.
The 6 to 8 ft. specimens are extra fine plants.
Cratzegus. (See Shrubs page 14)
Cytissus Laburnum, Laburnum, 12 to 18 in. trans. 75
ef ‘ “ 4 to 5 ft. trans. 1 00 8 00
bie of ss 5 to 6 ft. trans. 1 50 12 00
Dimorpanthus (See Aralia Mandshurica, page 11)
Diospyrus Virginiana, Am. Persimmon 6 in. seed. 25 75
6 fe ss 18 to 24 in. seed. 39 1 00 6 00
se es st 3 to 4 ft. trans. 1 25 10 00
ee s re 4 to 5 ft. trans. 1 50 12 00
ae “ Re 5 to 6 ft. trans. 1 75 15 00
Fagus ferruginea, American Beech, 12 to 18 in. trans, 1 75
ss st cf * 244 to 3 ft. trans. 3 30
“ ss “ $f 3 to 4 ft. trans. 4 00
ee sylvatica, European Beech, 8 to 10 in, trans. 75 5 00
oe “ id ss 18 to 24 in. trans. 1 00 8 00
oe e ss ‘ 2 to 3 ft. trans, 1 50 12 00
ee wu We re * 3 to 4 ft. trans. 2 00 18 00
te Es a te 4 to 5 ft. trans. 3 00 25 00
e oi i s 5 to 6 ft, trans. 4 00 30 00
#6 id ss sf 7ft. tr. specimens 5 00
es es heterophylia, Gut-leaved, 12 to 18 in. trans. 1 50
ee * pendula, Weeping Beech, 10 to 15 in. trans. 1 50
se s of &§ se 4 to 5 ft. trans. 5 00°
se ss purpurea, Copper Beech, 10 to 18 in. trans. 1 00 8 00
se sy ts ss is 12 to 18 in. trans. 1 25
* Rivers’ Blood-leaf Beech, 12 to 1l8in. trans. 1 50
ss se ie ‘ He 3 to 4 ft. trans. 4 50
se oe e ee 5 to 6 ft. trans. 3 00
A Ks cr a ae 7 to 8ft trans, 7 530
Fraxinus Americana, Am. White Ash, 4 to 5 ft. trans. 1 2 10 00 90 00
CC o e 6 to 7 ft. trans. 1 50 12 00 100 00
oe Excelsior, English Ash, 18 to 24 in. seed. 33 2 00
Oo ce es ts 8 to 10 ft. trans. 2 50 20 60
ee ke ie ‘ 10 to 12 ft. trans. 3 00
$e < a ae 12 to 14 ft. trans. 3 50
A * aurea, Golden BarkAsh, 4to6 ft. trans. 2 0
oe “ pendula, Weeping Ash, 6to/7ft., 2-year head 4 00
< te + aurea 6 to 7 ft, trans., 2-year head 4 60
oC ee sf globosa 6 to 7 ft., 2-year head 4 00
a Ornus, Flowering Ash, 5 to 6 ft. trans. 2 50 20 00
e ee ss Ce 6 to 8 ft. trans. 3 00 25 00
se ae $6 Se 8 to 9 ft. trans. 3 50
oe quadrangulata, Blue Ash, 4to6ft trans. 1 7 15 00
ae $e cs ve 7 to 8 ft. trans. 2 50 20 00
ee ‘ oe & 8 to 9 ft. trans. 3 30 30 00
3 sambucifolia, Black Ash, f 18 to 24 in. seed. 33 1 50
ss gs os * 1 to 2 ft. trans. 1 00 9 00 80 00
‘ ss ts & 3 ft trans. 1 25 10 00
Fraxinus viridis, Creen Ash,
“ a) 7% ‘
Cleditschia triacanthos, Honey Locust,
ae ae a ae
*c “ec ae sé
Cymnocladus Canadensis, Ky. Coffee,
Juglians cineria, Butternut,
“ ec “
5 nigra, Black Wainut,
ee i &
oe ec a “ee
sa regia, English Walnut,
Koelreuteria paniculata, Varnish Tree,
a a ot as
4@>-This is a fine hardy ornamental tree of small size.
rich green foliage and has large heads of small yellow flowers.
Laburnum. See Cytissus, p2ge 5
LiquidambDar Styracifiua, Sweet Gum,
& ee “a
ee ae te
&e-These are grown by us from seeds of hardy trees.
6to7 ft. trans.
10 ft. trans.
6 to 10 in. seed.
4 to 5 ft. trans.
5 to 6 ft. trans.
7 to 8 ft. trans.
6 to 15 in. seed.
18 to 24 in. seed,
2 to 3 ft. seed.
3 to 4 ft. seed.
3 to 4 ft, trans.
5 to 6 ft. trans.
6 to7 ft. trans.
10 ft. trans.
6 to 12 in. seed.
12 to 18 in, seed.
5 ft. trans.
4 to 6 in. seed.
2 to > ft. trans,
3 to 34 ft. trans.
5 to 6 in. seed.
1 to 2 ft. trans.
6 in. seed
2 to 3 ft. seed.
3 to 4 ft. seed.
2 to 3 ft. trans.
3 to 4 ft. trans.
4 to 5 ft. trans.
1 to 2 ft. trans.
2 to 2) ft. trans.
3 to 4 ft. trans.
5 ft. trans.
6 ft. trans.
Per 10
$2 00
3 50
1 20
1 30
2 00
2 50
3 50
Per 100 Per 1000
$18 00 $125 00
50 3 50
10 00
1 00
1 50
2 00
2 50
13 00
18 00
20 00
6 00
8 00
10 00
12 00
1 50
2 00 10 00
1 50
9 00
10 00
1 7a
1 350
2 00
4 00
9 00
15 00
20 00
10 00
123 00
It makes a bushy growth,
10 00
12 00
18 00
20 00
30 00
It is not generally Known
that trees collected in the South or grown from Southern seeds are not hardy
even here.
hardy strain.
Liriodendron tulipifera, Tulip Tree,
. a“ ee
ac “ se
Maclura aurantiaca, Osage Orange,
Magnolia glauca, Swamp White,
ot iad ee se
oe Kobus,
ste Lennei, large purple, with ball
7 Soulangeana. with ball,
By speciosa, early pink, with ball
ee sé si sé
ie stellata (Halleana), with ball,
ac ae te
* tripetela, Umbrella Tree,
ee ac
‘ec ee e “ce
Morus alba, White Mulberry,
ee ae
3 to 4 ft. trans.
4 to 5 ft. trans.
5 to 6 ft. trans.
18 to 24 in. trans. 2 yr.
1 to 2 ft. trans.
2 to 214 ft. trans.
18 to 24 in. bushy
2 to 3 ft. trans. bushy
3 to 4 ft. trans.
18 to 24 in. trans.
2 to 234 ft. trans.
3 to 3% ft. trans.
4 to 4% ft. trans.
18 to 24 in.
2% ft.
3 to 4 ft. trans.
4 to 5 ft. trans.
6 ft. trans.
6 to 12 in. seed.
12 to 18 in. seed.
5 to 6 ft.
tO ~TOF oh wow
We collect our seeds from native trees growing here—hence havea
15 00
20 00
25 00
75 4 00
30 00
20 00
30 00
~1 DD
Co 8
Coo =
Perl0 Perl00 Per 1000
NMiorus Downing’s Everbearing 4ft. trans. $1 50
~ “S uD 5 to 6 ft. trans. 3 50
st Hick’s 4 to 5 ft. trans. 3 30
“ Tatarica, Russian Mulberry, 5 to 6 ft. trans, 125 $10 00
aS sk se “ 6 to 8 ft. trans. 1 50 12 00 $100 00
ce = o sé 8 to 10 ft trans. 175 15 00
‘“ Tea’s Weeping 2-year heads trans, 5 00
Negundo aceroides,_See Acer Negundo, Page 1.
Ostrya Virginica, Iron-wood, 1 to 2 ft. trans. 1 00
ee bie fe 2 to 3 ft. trans. 1 50
Paulownia imperialis, Empress Tree, 2 to 8 ft. trans. 1 50
US ef ‘ “ 4 to 6 ft. trans. 2 50
Phellodendron amurense,Chinese Cork Tree,10 to 12in. seed. 35 2 00 10 00
2 < ef ss sé 4to6ft. trans, 2 50 20 00
SE er * ss he 9 to 10 ft. trans. 3 50
P notinia Villosa, 6 to 8 in. seed. 25 75 5 00
o es 18 to 24 in. seed. 35 1 00 8 00
se <s 3 to 4 ft. seed. 50 2 50
bs “ 18 to 24 in. trans, 75 6 00 50 00
cs ss 2 to 3 ft. trans. 1 00 9 00 80 00
uC a 3 to 4 ft. trans. 1 25 10 00 90 00
“6 “ 4 to 414 ft. trans. 1 50 12 00 100 09
Few small-zrowing trees attract the eye
as does this one. Itis not only striking in its
appearance in the spring when in bloom. but
in the fall its foliage turns to bright crimson,
red and yellow colors. After the leaves fall
the masses of bright coral berries remain on
the tree long into the fall and winter. Itisa
tree that should be largely planted.
This is the wild native apple so conspicu-
ous in spring when covered with its masses
of small white flowers. Theyare pure white,
Single, and extremely fragrant. In the fall
the tree is loaded with small red and yellow
apples about the size of a heart cherry, and
are very ornamental in their character. It is
largely used in parks, cemeteries and large
private grounds both as single specimens
and in masses. For prices see page 8.
Perl0 Perl00 Per 1000
Platanus orient Eu. SY CaMmnrP or Plane, | year $035 $200
‘ 4 to 5 ft. trans, 2 00 15 00 $125 00
oy ig - 5 to 6 ft. trans, 2 50 20 00 150 CO
cs ? s 6 to7 ft. trans. 3 00 25 00 200 00
3 *r Ve us 7 to 8 ft, trans. 3 50 30 00
By ‘ 4 a 9 to 10 ft, trans. 4 00 30 00
Se + Ls 14 to 134 in., 10 tol2 ft. trans. 7 50 75 00
Populus alba, Silver Poplar 5to6 ft, trans, ° 1 75 15 00
cs nh 7 to 8 ft. trans, 2 50 20 00
we fe 9 to 10 ft. trans, 3 00
25 Fil Pyramidal Silver Poplar, 38to4ft. trans. 1 50
Le 4 to 5 ft, trans. 1 75 15 00
st oe ne Be “6 to'7 ft trans. 3 00 235 00
Ss Re at x * 68 to 10 fr. trans. 5 00
fastigiata, Lombardy Poplar, 3 to 4 ft. trans. 1 00 9 00
oe 7 Be i 4 to 5 ft. trans. 1 50 12 00
ds he PS BE 5 to7 ft, trans, 1 75 15 00
th a Ke se ve 7 to 8 ft. trans, 2 50 20 00
ae 4 ys * 14% to 1% in. 10 to 12 ft, trans. 3 00 25 00
monilifera, Carolina Poplar, 1 to 2 ft. 1 year 35 2 00 12 00
¥ a 6 to 8 ft. trars. 1 25 10 00
Ue = a “ 1% to 134 in. 11 to 12 ft. trans. 3 00 25 00
* - ie ‘* 24% to 3 in cal. trans. 8 50
‘* pendula, Weeping Poplar, 3 year heads,heavy 500
Prunus Pissardi, Purple-leaved Plum, 2 to 2/4 ft. trans. 1 00
J Be ee “ 3 to 4 ft. trans. 1 50
ftelea trifoliata, Hop Tree, 6 to 8 in. seed. 25 75 5 00
ve Ke 4 ue 12 to 18 in. seed. 30 1 00 8 00
“ ue ra Fe 3 to 5 ft. seed 50 2 00 12 00
Ee 7 “ te 2 to 3 ft, trans. 73 6 00
+ es e be 3 to 344 ft. trans. 85 7 00 68 00
“4 a é Uh 5 to 6 ft, trans. 1 00 8 00 70 00
+ “6 “ “ 6 to 8 ft trans. 1 25 10 00 80 00
~e C aurea, Golden Hop, 2 to 3 ft. trans. 1 00 8 00
ee ce cs Y ef 3 to 4 ft. trans. 1 50 12 00
& se a LU Se 4 to 5 ft. trans. 2 00 15 00
Pterostyrax hispidum 12 to 18 in. trans, 1 50
“6 cs 2to 244 it, trans. 2 50
Pyrus aucuparia, Eu. Mountain Ash, 4 to 5 ft. trans. 1 25
* Oak- leaved Mountain Ash, 1 to 2 ft. trans. 1 25 10 00
“& “ “ 2 to 3 ft. trans. 1 50 12 00
ws te ae a a 344 to4ft. trans. 1 75 15 00
“ baccata, Native Flowering Apple, 2 to 3 ft. trans. 85 7 00
“ ts * a ‘s 3 to 4 ft. trans. 1 00 8 00
ce & se a $e 4 to 6 ft. trans. 1 25 10 00
‘“ Bechtel’s Double Flowering, 2to3 ft. trans. 250 25 00
“6 es “e 3 to 4 ft. trans. °3 00 30 00
a floribunda, d to 6 ft. trans. 3 £0 30 00
ts es atrosanguinea, 4 to 6 ft. trans, 3 50 30 00
Quercus alba, White Oak, 2 to 3 ft, trans. 400 3500
us “ = ss 3 to 4 ft. trans. -5 00 40 00
s e $6 x 4 to 5 ft. trans. 6 50 60 00
“ cS = we 5 to 6 ft. trans. 7 50 65 00
se Bauuisterts Scrub Oak, 6 to 12in seed. 30 2 00 12-00
‘a 2 to 8 ft. trans. 350° 3000
2% Bieplos: Swamp White Oak, 6 to 7 ft. trans. 6 00
ve SO 8 to 9 ft. trans. 7 50
us “ ts ‘“* specimens, 244 to 3in.calliper 15 00
ue cS a Ls ee 3 to 344 in. ca'liper 20 00
“ “ “e ne ee 34 to 4in.calliper 25 00
Per 10 Per i00 Per 1000
Quercus cerris, Turkey Oak, 2 to 8 ft. trans. $3 50
ie ne “y i 3 to 4 ft. trans. 4 90
a oe re a 4 to 5 ft. trans. 5 00
ue Hs i wh d to7 ft. trans. 6 00
= $s i ae 8 to 10 ft. trans. 8 09
te ee ‘ specimens 24% to 3 in. calliper 15 00
~ se iS ne af 3 to 34% in. calliper 20 00
ue We baie an eS 6 314 to 4 in. calliper 25 00
ue coccinea, Scarlet Oak, 6 to 8 in. seed. 25 $1 50 $12 00
sc ss ES cs 10 to 12 in. seed. 35 2 00 15 00
Of ss ‘ £ 18 to 24 in, seed. 40 2 50 18 v0
os es ss os 2 to 3 ft. seed. 50 3 50 30 00
oC ss a: sé 4 to 5 ft. trans. 5 00 40 00
ne ss ee es 5 to 6 ft. trans. 5 50 45 00
OC of ue et 6 to 7 ft. trans. 6 00 40 00
eg ts oy * 9 to 10 ft. trans. 8 00 75 00
“6 Ww uy “ce 10 to 11 ft. trans. 10 00 90 00
o ue $s ‘* specimens 2 to 2)4 in. calliper 13 50
“6 hs ne ot cf 214 to 3 in. calliper 17 50
sf “ oe Se 3 to 34 in. calliper 25 00
ss $ ay Ps ve 34% to 4in. calliper 35 00
“8 * “e us 4 in. calliper 50 00
ue imbricaria, Laurel-leaved Oak, 4to6 ft. trans. 8 50
ts ‘ a a 8 to 9 ft. trans. 10 00
‘* macrocarpa, Mossy Cup or Burr Oak, 3to4 ft. trans. 4 60 35 00
a as ue ee os Ht 4 to 5 ft. trans. 5 00
ss ot “ #8 * ee 5 to 6 ft. trans. 5 60 45 00
"3 + ts sf “ te 6 to 7 ft. trans. 6 00 50 00
s ef us re i sé 7 to 8 ft. trans. 7 50
* us gs x os sf 8 to 10 ft. trans. 8 00 75 00
“4 e Me “ * specimens 2 to 24 in. calliper 13 50
oe palustris, Pin Oak, 1 to 2 ft. seed. 30 1 50 12 00
Ue a ts “ 2 to 3 ft. seed. 40 2 00 18 00
ef se ss s 3 to 4 ft. seed. 50 3 00 25 00
“ He tf es 3 to 4 ft. trans. 3 00 25 00 200 00
bt By * hy 5 to 6 ft. trans. © 4 00 85 00 300 00
LC ss we a 7 to 8 ft. trans. 6 50 50 00 400 00
a sf se fs 8 to 10 ft. trans. 7 50 60 00 500 00
ee ss ss ‘“ 14g in. calliper, 10 to11ift. trans. 10 00 90 00 850 00
me ey ** 134 10 2in. calliper, 10 to 12 ft. trans. 1250 =100 00 900 00
uss es “ he specimens, 2 to 234 in. calliper, 13 50 125 00
“s ; WS se es te 244 to 3 in. calliper, 17 50
th oh ‘ ss * 3 to 3% in. calliper, 25 00
ss se o as 4 344 to 4 in. calliper, 35 00
ts we tf “ ee 4 in. calliper, 50 00
15 palustri-imbricaria, 1 to 2 ft. seed. 50 2 50
- Hs ce 7 to 9 ft. trans. 8 50 75 00
of Phellos, Willow Oak, 2 to 3 ft. trans. 3 00 25 00
oe OD s 3 to 4 ft. trans. 4 00 30 00
ot sf ve 4 to 5 ft. trans. 3 00 40 00
+ s ss 5 to 6 ft. trans. 6 00 50 00
we a sf 6 to 7 ft. trans. 7 50 60 00
oe oe ae specimens, § to 9 ft. trans. 10 00
ue Prinus, Rock Chestnut Cak, 6in. seed. 35 2 00 10 00
. ne ty es ee 3 to 4 ft. trans. 4 00 35 00 300 00,
‘s ae + at ss 5 to 6 ft. trans. 5 00 40 00
<s es G2 Oe oe 6 to 8 ft. trans. 6 50 50 00
a ‘ ue a o 8 to 9 ft. trans. 8 00 75 00
we 5s pe ae ne 10 to 12 ft. specimens, 10 00 90 00
Quercus robur, English Oak,
es “cc oe
4a We challenge the world with our Oaks.
grown anywhere. Our soil seems particularly adapted to them.
visitor to our Nurseries says so.
ished with bushy heads.
‘*hacked” roots in digging.
heavy specimen trees offered.
Robinia hispida rosea, Rosa acacia,
+ poen ea Yellow or Black Locust, 8 to 12 in. seed.
Salisburia seiOus, Cingko, Maiden Hair, 6 to i2 in. seed.
Sophora Japonica,
“ec “ec
Sorbus. Mt. Ash,—See Pyrus, page 17.
Styrax Japonica,
ee Obassia,
6“ “cc
Taxodium distichium, Deciduous Cypress, 3 to 4 ft. trans,
Tilia Americana,
os te
cs te
American Linden,
“ce eé
oe ee
‘* Europea, Small=leaved Linden,
33 Pisepests Eu. Broad- ‘leaved Linden, 2to3 ft. trans,
of &.
Perl0 Perl00 Per 1000
2 to 3 ft. trans, $3 00
3 to 4 ft. trans. 3 50
4 to 5 ft. trans. 4 00
5 to 6 ft. trans, 5 00
6 to 8 ft. trans. 6 00
8 to 10 it. trans. 8 00
1 to 2 ft. seed. 25
2 to 3 ft. seed. 35
4 to 5 ft. trans. 5 00
5 to 6 ft. trans. 5 50
5 to 7 ft. trans. 6 00
3 to 10 ft. trans. 8 00
to 12 ft. trans. 10 00
2 to 244 in. calliper, 13 50
244 to 3in. calliper, 17 50
3 to 344 in. calliper, 25 00
34% to 4 in. calliper, 35 00
4 in. calliper, 50 00
1 to 2 ft. seed. 25
3 to 4 ft. trans. 4 00
4 to 5 ft. trans. 5 00
5 to 6 ft. trans. 5 50
7 to 9 ft. trans, 7 50
10 to 12 ft. trans. 10 00
$25 v0
30 00
35 00
40 00
50 00
2 00
2 50
40 00
45 00
50 00
75 00
90 09
2 00
35 00
40 00
45 00
600 00
800 LO
No larger stock and no finer stock
Our trees are not lanky but are well furn-
They are something extra fine.
2 to 3 ft. trans. 100
1 to 2 ft. seed. 30
2 to 3 ft. seed. 35
12 to 18 in. seed. 30
18 to 24 in. trans, 1 25
2 to 3 ft. trans. 1 50
3 to 4 ft. trans. 1 75
4 to 5 ft. trans. 2 00
6 to 8 ft. trans. 3 50
8 to 9 ft. trans. 4 00
12 to 18 in. trans. 1 00
18 to 24 in. trans. 1 50
2 ft. trans. 2 00
2 to 3 ft. trans. 2 00
12 to 18 in. trans. 1 30
2 to 214 ft. trans. 2 00
2 00
4to 5 ft. trans. 1 50
5 to 6 ft. trans. 2 00
6 to 7 ft. trans.: 2 50
7 to 9 ft. trans. 2 50
6 to 8 ft. trans. 2 00
8 to 10 ft. trans. 2 50
They are stocky and have the best of roots.
They are taken out with ‘‘all roots.”
Note the
of any size of any variety of the specimen Oaks furnished upon application.
9 00
1 50
2 00
10 00
12 00
15 00
18 00
25 00
30 00
12 00
15 06
20 00
10 00
18 00
4 00
5 00
6 00
10 00
12 00
125 00
Ulmus Americana, American Elm,
‘6 66 as 134
Camperdown Weeping “Shin.
be oe
“latifolia, Scotch Elm,
be 66 6s
‘* racemosa, Cork Elm,
ob 66 ce
Zanthoxylon piperitum, Prickly Ash,
4b té bs
66 as 6s
ee ts 65
2 to 3 ft. seed.
3 to 4 ft. seed.
6 to 8 ft. trans.
8 to 9 ft. trans.
10 to 12 ft. trans.
4 to 2 in. calliper, 11 to 12 ft. trans,
2 year heads.
2 to 3 ft. trans.
3 to 4 ft. trans.
2 to 3 ft. trans.
3 to 4 ft. trans.
3 to 4 ft. trans.
4 to 5 ft. trans.
6 in, seed.
2 ft. seed.
18 to 24 in. trans.
2 to 3 ft. trans.
4 to 5 ft. trans.
Per10 Perl00 Per 1000
$0 35
1 30
1 75
2 50
3 00
6 00
1 50
1 75
1 50
1 75
1 75
2 50
2 00
2 50
3 00
$1 50
1 75
12 00
15 00
20 00
25 00
$ 8 00
10 00
~ 100 00
125 00.
175 00
‘‘Trans.’’ indicates that the plant has been once or more transplanted.
‘sSeed.’’ that it is still in seedling beds, not transplanted.
Alnus glutinosa, European Alder,
ee oe te 66
“« _-incana, o +
66 66 os oe
eé oc 66 6s
66 ce oe ee
— serulata, extra heavy clumps,
Amorpha canescens, Indigo Shrub,
66 66 66 66
“e fruticosa, oe ss
66 66 «6 66
Amygdalus nate double pink Almond,
‘white Almond,
Andro meda creates
ae Mariana,
Aralia Japonica,
66 66
ae cé
“ s,inosa, Hercules Club,
66 ée ty
se Mandshurica,
&eb 66 6s os
46 66 6s 46
“ pentaphylla,
4 to 6 ft. trans.
6 to 8 ft. trans.
7 to 8 ft. trans.
4 to 6 ft. trans.
8 to 10 ft. trans.
10 to 12 ft. trans
3 to 4 ft. trans.
3 in. seed.
18 to 24 in. trans.
2 to 3 ft. trans.
3 to 4 ft. trans.
2% to 3 ft. trans.
2% to 3 ft. trans.
6 to 8 in. trans.
3 to 4 ft. heavy
10 to 15 in. trans.
2 to 3 ft. trans.
8 to 3% ft. trans.
4 to 5 ft. trans.
2 to 3 fi. trans.
3 to 4 ft. trans.
18 to 24in trans.
2 to 3 ft. trans.
3 to 4 ft. trans.
bushy, 2 to 8 it. trans.
3 to 4 ft, trans.
Perl0 Perl100 Per 1000
$1 06
1 20
1 25
1 00
1 50
2 00
1 75
$8 00
10 00
10 00
8 00
12 00
15 00
15 00
8 00
7 00
8 00
15 00
10 00
9 00
10 00
$6 00
Perl0 Perl100 Per 1000
Azalea amena, Evergreen Azalea, 10 to12in.from 5in. pots $4 00 $35 00
ce arborescens, 10’to 15 in. trans., heavy 2 50
2 Mollis, Red or Yellow, 12to1l5in.clumps = 2 50 25 00
6 J: i ef) 18 in. clumps 3 50 35 00
ae o 3 as 2 ft. clumps 1250 11500
os a sé 234 ft. clumps 15 00
ot Pontica (Ghent), 12to15in. clumps 4 00 40 00
oe . 18 in. clumps 5 00 50 00
Be ae J 2 ft. clumps 7 50 75 00
u“ us 6 3 ft. clumps 18 50
This picture is given to illustrate the character of both our MOLLIS and PONTICA
AZALEAS. Note the bushiness of the several grades of plants, and the large ball of earth.
Baccharis bhalimifolia, heavy, 3 to 4 ft. trans. 1 50 12 00
Berberis purpurea, Purple Berberry, 10 to 12 in. trans. 60 5 50 $45 00
“C ee re ec 18 in. trans. 78 6 00
ae ‘ a et 18 to 24 in. trans. 85 7 00
“ a ee ‘ ae 2 to 3 ft. trans. 1 00 8 00
est Thunbergii, Japanese Berberry, 12 to 15 in. trans. 1 00 8 00
ce st iad ns 15 to 18 in. trans. 1 2 10 90
we ‘ eS ES 18 to 24 in. trans. 1 50 12 00
uC eS a cs 2to244ft.trans. 1 75 15 00
ae vulgaris, Green Berberry, 6 to 8 in. seed. 25 75 6 00
we a ss sf 12 to 18 in. trans. 75 6 00 50 00
“ es e Se 18 to 24 in. trans. 85 7 00
Buddleia curvifiora, 234 to 3 ft. trans. 1 00 & 00
“ intermedia, 2 to 214 ft. trans. 85 7 00
oe se 24% to 3 ft. trans. 1 00 8 00
Callicarpa purpurea, 18 to 24 in. trans. 85 7 00
Calycanthus foridus, Sweet Shrub, 12 to 18 in. trans. 75 6 00 50 00
cS ae x lto2ft trans. 85
ab ee ee oe
2 to 3 ft. trans.
Caragana arborescens, Siberian Pea, 10 to 12 in. seed. $0.25
te ss vs me 2 to 3 ft. seed. 35
cn eh es at 2 to 3 ft. trans. 85
f as a) cs 3 to 4 ft. trans. 5
re és GG ce 4 to 5 ft. trans. 1 50
5 se pendula, 2-year head, 4 to 5 ft. 4 00
Carpinus ee can Us, American Hornbeam. |to2ft.trans. 1 00
ne 2 to 3 ft. trans, 1 25
st ss re 3 to 4 ft. trans. 1 50
2s ss te 4 to 5 ft. trans, 2 C0
is en European Hornbeam, 2 to 3 ft. trans, 1 25
ss 3 to 4 ft. trans, 1 50
Caryopteris Mastacanthos, 12 to 18 in. trans, 1 00
Ceanoth us AMOrCHOUs Now Jersey Tea, 12 to 18 in, trans, 85
ts 18 to 24 in, trans. 1 00
a “ ss s 2 to 3 ft. trans. 1 25
Cephalanth us geciden tall: Button-bush, 5 iv. seed. 35
eS 12 to 18 in. trans. 75
WO ou ‘s 2 ft. trans, 85
Of ze 5s 2to 2% ft. trans, 1 00
Cercis CAA ensIe, Am. Judas or Red Bud, 1 to 2 ft. trans. 1 00
2 to 3 ft. trans. 1 25
6 we gs a 3 to 4 ft. trans. 1 50
OO We “ < 4 to 5 ft. trans. 1 75
ts ws $e ‘ 5 to 6 ft trans. 2 50
ce se aS Sé 6 to 7 ft. specimens 7 50
a Japonica, Japanese Judas, 2 to 2% ft. trans. 1 00
06 OC oe 3 to 34 ft. trans. i 50
a 3 es 4 ft. trans. specimens 7 50
Chionanthus Virginica, White Fringe, 3 in. seed. 35
“6 se es cs 2 to 3 ft. trans. 1 00
“6 Os oc s¢ 3 to 4 ft. trans, 1 50
OC se §¢ s 3 tod ft. specimens 7 50
Clethra alnifolia, Sweet Pepper Bush, 10 to 12 in. trans. 75
ee <e be cS ss 2 to 234 ft. trans. 85
Colutea arborescens, Bladder Senna, 12 to 18 in, seed. 25
ae CC ot “i 12 to 18 in. trans. 75
“6 & 3 6 2 to 3 ft. trans, 85
Corchorus Japonica (Kerria), Single, 18 to 24 in, trans. 1 00
se variegata 1 to 2 ft. trans. 1 00
Cornus alba, Red-twigged Doswood, 2 to 234 ft. trans. 85
bs 50 2% to 8 ft. trans. 1 00
OF ‘alternifolia, Blue Dogwood, 18 to 24 in. trans. 85
6 se oC 2 to 3 ft. trans. 1 00
es circinata, 3 to 4 ft. trans. heavy, 1 50
‘“* fiorida, White-flowered Dogwood, 2 to 24% ft. trans. 1 00
se “6 ee a 2 to 3 ft. trans. 1 25
“ 6 a oh 3 to 4 ft. trans. 2 00
6 bs és os 4 to 5 ft. trans. 2 50
“ 6 ae oe 5 to6 ft. trans, 3 00
a oC ce He 6to8it.trans.specimens 10 00
ss glabrata, 314 to4 ft.heavy. 1 50
af Mas. Cornelian Cherry, 18 to 24 in, trans. 85
se “e “ ue 2 to 2) ft, trans. 90
se & vs “ 246 to 3 ft. trans. 1 00
a ve “ Ks 3 to 4 ft. trans. 1 25
be paniculata, (candidissima) 8 to 15 in. trans, 75
“ * Cornelian Cherry, 2 ft. trans. 85
6 “ “ a ak 2to 214 ft. trans. 90
4 6 a OL 2to 3 ft. trans. 1 00
e it ac oe 3 to 4 ft. trans. 1 50
x pubescens, “ “ 4to 5 ft. trans. 1 50
$0 50
7 00
10 00
12 0C
8 00
10 00
12 00
18 00
10 00
12 00
9 00
7 00
8 00
10 00
1 00
6 00
7 00
8 00
8 00
10 00
12 00
15 00
20 00
9 00
12 00
1 50
9 00
12 00
6 00
7 00
1 50
6 00
7 00
9 00
7 00
9 00
Per 10 Per100 Per 1006
$ 7 00
50 00
100 00
125 00
10 (0
80 00
80 00
90 00
125 00
150 00
175 00
Cornus sanguinea, English Dogwood,
4c “ a te
«c “ce
“és “
sericea, Silky Dogwood,
as Ss) eS a3
Per 10 Per 100 Per 1000
12 to 15 in. trans.
18 to 24 in. trans.
244 to 3 ft. trans.
2 to 3 ft. trans.
2 to 244 ft. trans.
3 to 4 ft. trans.
ot ts ve i 5 to 6 ft. heavy.
or stolonifera lutea (flaviramea), Yellow-barked, 2 to 3 ft. trans.
ef fs a 3 ft. trans.
ce stricta, “y * 4to5ft. trans.
Corylus avellena, European Hazel,
eé se “ce “ee “ee
“es ee
Cotoneaster Simondsii,
6 73
heavy, 2to3 ft. trans.
heavy, 3to4 ft. trans.
heavy, 4to5ft. trans.
‘* purpurea, Purple-leaved Filbert,
“ec 4 ee “ee
Cratzegus Coccinea, White Thorn,
ae ac
“_ cordata, Washington Thorn,
Re crus-galli, Cockspur Thorn,
ce ee
ee be
Daphne Moree White,
“ _ oxycantha, English Hawthorn,
“ec ae “
double pink,
Cytissus Laburnum, Laburnum,
ia ae ae
Desmodium Japonicum, White,
pendulifiorum, Fink,
i idissima, White
Seutzia candidissim , White,
1) wc
“cc ce
se crenata, Single White,
“r ee
extra strong,
plena, Double White,
Double White,
extra heavy,
extra heavy,
2 to 214 ft. trans.
2 to 3 ft. trans.
12 to 18 in. trans,
2 ft. trans.
8to12in seed.
14 to 24 ft. seed.
1 to 2 ft. trans.
2to3 ft. trans.
3 to 4 ft. trans.
4 to 5 ft. trans.
6 ft. trans.
18 to 24 in. trans.
3 to 4 ft. trans.
4to 5 ft. trans.
5 to 6 ft. trans,
6 to 8 ft. trans.
8 to 10 in. seed.
18 to 24 in. seed.
2 to 244 ft, seed.
12 to 12 in. trans.
2 ft. trans.
24 to 3 ft. trans.
3 to 4 ft. trans.
4 to to 5 ft. trans.
6 ft. trans.
2 to 3 ft. trans.
3 to 4 ft. trans.
4to 5ft. trans.
6 ft. trans.
2 to 3 ft. trans.
12 to 18 in. trans.
4to5 ft. trans.
5 to 6 ft. trans.
12 to 18 in. trans,
18 to 24 in, trans.
2 year strong,
1 year trans.
2 year strong, trans.
5 year trans.
244 to 8 ft. trans.
3 to 3)4 ft. trans.
3 to 4 {t., heavy,
4 to 5 ft. trans.
2 to 8 ft. trans.
3 to 4 ft. heavy.
2 to 3 ft. trans.
3 to 3)4 ft.
3 to 4 ft. trans.
3 to 4 ft. heavy.
4 ft. trans.
$0 65
1 00
1 50
1 00
1 50.
1 50
1 75
1 50
1 00
1 25
1 50
1 75
2 00
1 00
1 25
1 75
1 00
2 50
3 00
3 50
$5 00
6 00
9 00
7 00
8 00
12 00
12 00
9 00
2 00
2 50
6 00
7 50
10 00
15 00
20 00
8 00
12 00
20 00
25 00
2 00
2 50
3 00
6 00
7 00
7 50
10 00
15 00
20 00
8 00
10 00
12 00
50 00
70 00
90 00
70 00
Deutzia Fortuni, white,
ce sé
at extra heavy,
gracilis, White,
be 79
Lemoinei, White,
Pride of Rochester, Double Pink,
be be te
cb 66
extra heavy,
scabra, Single White, heavy;
a extra heavy,
Wateri, Single White, extra heavy,
Wellsii oe es
Diervilla Sessilifolia
trifida ae a
3 to 4 ft. trans.
4 ft. trans.
8 to 12 in. trans.
12 to 15 in. trans.
2 ft. bushy, trans.
2 ft. trans.
2 to 2% ft. trans.
2 ft. trans.
18 to 24in. trans.
4 ft. heavy trans.
4to 5 ft. trans.
3 to 4 ft. trans.
4 to 5 ft. trans.
4 to 5 ft. trans.
4 to5ft trans.
2 ft. trans.
18 to 24 in. trans.
Dimorpanthus Gee Aralia Mandshurica, page 11.)
Eleagnus angustifolia, Russian Olive,
6é 74 et 46
a extra heavy,
umbellatus, female,
66 66
12 to 18 in. trans.
18 to 24 in. trans.
2to 21% ft. trans.
3 to 344 ft. heavy.
4to 5 it. heavy.
12 to 15 in. trans.
18 to 24 in. bushy,
2 ft. trans.
2 to 2)¢ ft. trans.
18 to 24in trans.
4to 5 ft. trans.
Euonymus Americanus, Am. Burning Bush, 6 to 10 in. trans.
Europaeus, Eu. Burning Bush
Exochorda grandiflora, Pearl Bush,
eb 66 be
66 sé
Forsythea Fortunii, Colden Bell,
of 6 et
6c té
té ee
&é ee
be ce
se ce
‘“* variegata, ‘*
‘* intermedia, ‘‘
66 66
Halesia diptera, Siiver Bell,
ee cé ee be
Hamamelis Virginica, Wych-hazel,
66 tb 66 6b
Hibiscus, Double Lilac,
73 'T3 66
ss Red,
ee Dark Red,
ss White,
es 66
totus alba, Single White,
Single Lilac,
* Pink,
ot Red,
12 to 18 in. trans.
2 to 8 ft. trans.
12 to 18 in. trans.
2 to 244 ft. trans.
3 ft. trans.
24 to 3 ft. trans.
3 ft. trans.
4 ft. trans.
18 to 24 in. trans.
2 to 8 ft. trans.
3 to 4 ft. trans.
2 ft. trans.
246 to 3ft. trans.
4 ft. trans., heavy,
3 to 34 ft. trans.
18 to 24 in, trans.
3 to 4in. trans.
12 to 15in. trans.
18 to 24 in. trans.
2 to 3 ft. trans.
3 to 4 ft. trans.
4 to 5 ft. trans.
2 to 8 ft. trans.
2 to 3 ft. trans.
2 to 3 ft. trans.
2 to 3 ft. trans.
3to4ft trans.
15 to 18 in. bushy,
2 to 2)4 ft. trans.
2 to 3 ft. trans.
2to 3ft. trans,
2 to 3 ft. trans.
Per 10
$1 00
1 25
1 00
1 00
1 00
1 25
1 00
1 25
1 25
1 25
1 25
Per 100 Per 1000
¢ 8 00
10 00
7 00
8 00
9 00
9 00
16 00
9 00
6 00
8 50
10 00
8 00
$80 00
90 00
80 00
6 00
7 00
9 00
10 00
12 00
8 00
10 09
12 00
15 00
50 00
60 00
12 00
4 00
7 00
9 00
10 00
7 00
9 00
10 00
7 00
9 00
10 00
6 00
7 00
10 00
6 00
8 00
9 00
10 00
12 00
8 00
8 00
8 00
10 00
8 00
Hippophza rhamnoides, Sea Buckthorn,
Hydrangea arborescens,
¥ Otaksa,
ae ae c
as as Lad
Hypericum densiflorum,
Ilex monticola
** glabra,
Kerria Japonica, single,
3g variegata,
paniculata, single, (The type)
paniculata grandiflora,
1 ft, trans.
18 to 24 in. trans,
2 to 24 ft. trans.
1 to 2 ft. trans,
7 in. pots
2 to 3 ft. trans.
“ 3 to 3} ft. trans,
a 3 to 4 ft. trans.
1 year
12 to 18 in, trans,
18 to 24 in, trans.
2 to 2)4 ft. trans.
244 to 3 {t. trans.
extra heavy, 3 to 3% ft. trans,
Tree form, 3 to 4 ft. trans.
18 to 24 in. trans.
2 to 2 ft. trans.
8 to 12 in. trans.
10 to 12 in. trans.
2 ft. trans.
10 to 18 in. trans.
8 to 12 in. trans,
18 to 24 in. trans.
1 to 2 ft. trans.
very bushy,
Laurus Benzoin,—See Lindera, below.
Lespedeza bicolor,
2 to 3 ft. trans.
Ligustrum amurense (True), Amoor Privet, 2 ft. trans.
Ibota (True)
ad “sé s
as sé se
ae se. ee
-s ovalifolium, California Privet, 1 year, 12 to 18 in.
“ a ‘““ bushy, 15to18in. trans.
Be * iti: a 18 to 24 in. trans.
“f : 2 to 24 ft. trans.
3: = re heavy, 3to4 ft. trans.
es myrtifolium, bushy, 3 ft. trans.
7 sinensis, Chinese Privet, 2 ft. trans.
bushy, 18 to 24 in. trans.
-* 2 ft. trans.
3 244 to 3 ft. trans.
very bushy, 3 ft. trans.
2 vulgare, Common or English Privet, 12 to 15 in.,
se “
Lindera Beuzon, Spice Bush,
es oe ae
sé. ae. “
Lonicera Alberti
bella candida,
12 to 18 in., 2 year
12 to 18 in. trans.
18 to 24 in. trans.
2 to 234 ft. trans.
5 to 7 ft., bushy specimens,
18 to 24 in. trans.
bushy, 3 to 4 ft. trans.
2 fragrantissima, Bush Honeysuckle 246 to 3 ft. trans
* Morrowi, “
ne Tatarica red-berried, ‘**
ss 4 24
oe ss ““ ss
alba, eK
te ss
= &6 ee se
“ Philomela,
Myrica cerifera, Wax Myrtle,
Paliurus aculaetus,
grandiflora pice: pink,
2 to 3 ft. trans.
15 to 18 in. trans.
18 to 24 in. trans.
2to 3 ft. trans.
18 to 24 in. trans.
2 to 234 ft. trans.
oe 244 ft. trans.
s 3 to 4 ft. trans.
2 to 3 ft. trans.
8 to 12 in. trans.
18 to 24 in. trans.
Per 10 Per 100 Per 1060
$0 75
1 00
1 25
1 00
6 50
1 00
1 25
1 50
$ 8 00
10 00
9 00
10 00
12 00
2 25
6 00
6 50
7 00
8 50
15 00
10 00
9 00
10 00
9 00
10 00
9 00
7 00
8 00
10 00
12 00
1 00
1 28
1 50
1 80
4 00
8 00
2 00
6 00
7 00
9 00
8 00
9 00
7 00
8 00
9 00
8 00
8 00
9 00
10 00
12 00
$20 00
50 00
60 00
65 00
80 00
125 00
10 00
12 00
15 09
18 00
40 00
15 00
50 00
60 00
80 00
Philadeiphus aureus (Syringa), Colden- -leaved, | ft. bushy trs.$1 00
“ _ Golden-ieaved, very bushy, 12 to loin. trs. 1 25
“¢ coronarius, Mock Orange,
it) ‘c
ee 66 6s ‘
ce ee
alba plena, bushy,
fd grandiflorus,
6b 66
66 ae
se lLemoinei,
ae ce
es se
ee sé at
vs Banus Dwarf Viock Orange,
“cc ae
ee ee “ec oc as
os specissima,
3 Zey heri,
ae ab
Photinia villosa,
oe“ ec
extra heavy,
oe se
Potentilla RGD
Prunus Americana, Beach Plum,
ee ve ac
y Japonicus, Double Pink,
oe “ Double White,
** Maritima,
“ Pissardi, Purple-leaved Plum,
oe ee
“ triloba, Double-flowering Plum,
Ptelea trifoliataa Hop Tree,
se 46 66
aurea, Golden Hop,
ab ot
‘eo ee be ae
Pyrus baccata, Native Flowering Apple,
ac ee se oe
tc ee 66 66
5 Bechtel’ s Double Flowering (Ionensis),
ee 66
2? floribunda,
oe ee
“Japonica, Japanese Quince,
sé oe oe
sé ve 6 hd
extra heavy,
12 to 18 in. trans.
18 to 24 in. trans.
2 to 2% ft. trans.
2% to 3 ft. trans.
3 to 4 ft. trans.
18 to 24 in. trans.
18 to 24 in. trans.
4 ft. trans.
4 to-5 ft. trans.
8 to 15 in. trans.
2 ft. trans.
18 to 24 in. trans.
2 to 3 ft. trans.
18 in. bushy trans.
2 ft. trans.
2to 2% ft. trans.
3 to 4 ft. heavy
2 to 3 ft. trans.
3 to 4 ft. trans.
6 to 8 in. seed.
18 to 24 in. seed.
3 to 4 ft. seed.
18 to 24 in, trans.
2 to 3 ft. trans.
3 to 4 ft. trans.
4 to 4% ft. trans,
12 to 18 in. trans.
2 ft. trans.
4 to 5 ft. trans.
5 to 6 ft. trans.
214 to 3 ft.
244 to 3 ft.
8 to 12 in.
2 to 2% ft. trans.
3 to 4 ft. trans.
3 to 4 ft. trans.
6 to 8 in. seed.
12 to 18 in. seed.
3 to 5 ft. seed.
2 to 3 ft. trans.
3 to 34 ft. trans.
5 to 6 ft.
6 to 8 ft.
2 to 3 ft.
3 to 4 ft.
4 to 5 ft.
2 to 3 ft.
3 to 4 ft.
4 to 6 ft. trans.
2 to 3 ft. trans.
3 to 4 ft. trans.
5 to 6 ft. trans.
4to 5 ft. trans.
12 to 18 in. trans.
18 to 24 in. trans.
2 to 244 ft. trans.
Rhamnus cathenticus, Common Buckthorn, 4 to 6 in. seed.
66 6b bs
z3 a3 2 se
12 to 18 in. seed.
2 to 24 ft. seed.
18 to 241n. trans.
Perl10 Per 100
$9 60
75 6 00
85 7 00
90 8 00
1 00 9 00
1 25 10 00
85 7 00
1 25 10 00
1 50 12 00
1 00 9 00
1 00 9 00
1 25 10 00
85 7 00
1 00 8 00
1 25 10 00
1 25
1 00 8 00
1 25 10 00
25 75
30 1 00
50 2 50
75 6 00
1 00 9 00
1 25 10 60
1 50 12 00
85 7 00
1 00 9 00
1 00 8 00
1 25
1 50
1 50
1 00 8 00
1 00
1 50
1 50
25 75
35 1 00
50 2 00
79 6 00
85 7 00
1 00 8 00
1 25 10 00
1 00 8 00
1 50 12 00
2 00 15 00
85 7 00
1 00 8 00
-1 25 10 00
2 30 23 00
3 00 25 00
3 50 30 00
3 50 30 00
75 6-00
s) SS 7 00
1 00 9 00
2) 1 00
35 1 50
40 2 00
65 5 00
Per 1000
$50 00
60 00
70 00
5 00
8 00
50 00
30 00
90 00
100 00
5 00
8 00
12 00
60 90
70 00
80 00
8 00
PerlO0 Perl00 Per 1000
Rhamnus catharticus, Common Buckthorn, 3 to4 ft. trans. $0 85 $7 00
dg * a 4to 5 ft. trans. 1 00 8 00
- > . 6 to 8 ft. heavy, 1 50 12 00
sh crenulata, 6 to 10 in. seed. 35 2 00
fe frangula, 6 to 10 in. seed. 35 2 00
Rhodora canadensis, 12tol5in.clumps. 5 00
Rhodotyphus kerroides, 6 to 12 in. seed. 25 1 00 $ 8 00
* a 12 to 18 in. seed. 35 1 50 10 00
c 4 18 to 24in seed. 40 2 00 12 (0
ss 3 18 to 24 in. trans. 85 7 00 60 CO
33 ap 2 to 244 ft. trans. 1 00 8 00 70 00
Rhus aromatica, Sweet Sumach, 2to 3 ft. trans. 1 50 12 00
“ copallina, Shining Sumach, 2 te 3 ft. trans. 1 25 10 00
os $3 RS - 24% ft. trans. 1 50 12 00
- ve we f: 3 to 4 ft. trans. 1 75 15 00
Z e 4 is 4to 5 ft. trans. 2 50 20 00
cf sy ** large specimens. 7 to 8 ft. trans. 7 50
nis cotinus, Mist or Smoke Tree, 2 to 3 ft. trans, 90 8 00
3 “ a “S “ 3 ft. trans. 1 00 9 00
- os " 1 = 3 to 4 ft. trans, 1 25 10 00
Ke glabra, Smooth Sumach, l to 2 ft. trans. 85 7 00
- = i Pe 2 to 4 ft. trans. 1 00 9 00
+ “ laciniata, Cut-leaved Sumach, 12 to 15 in. trans. 1 00
= typhina, Stag’s Horn Sumach, 2to3 ft. trans. 85
“ - hi ig a 3 to 4 ft, trans. 90
. ° a F 4to 5 ft. trans, 1 00 8 00
“ = Be he rh 7 to 8 ft. trans. 2 50 15 60
Ribes aureum, Yellow Fiowering Currant, 2 to 2% ft. trans. 85 7 00
= as 5 ae ‘6 24% to 3 ft. trans. 90 8 00 70 00
“ * rr as sie 3 ft. trans. 1 25 10 00
" fasiculatum 214 to 3 ft. trans. 1 25 10 00
“ floridum, Missouri Black Currant, 3 to4 ft. trans. 125
~ * “* = - 4to5ft heavytrans. 1 50
s. Gordonianum, Pink-flowered, “ 334 to 4 ft. trans. 1 00 8 00
Robinia hispida rosea, Rose Acacia, Pink, 2to3 ft. trans. 1 00 9 00
Rosa Dianda, 18 to 24 in. trans. 85 7 09
“ - 2 to 3 ft. trans. 1 00 8 00
“ s 3 to 4 ft. trans. 1 25 10 00 80 00
Zc Carolina, 2 ft. trans. 85 7 00
“ “é 2 to 3 ft. trans. 1 00 8 00
<2 se 3 to 4 ft. trans. 1 25 10 00 80 00
= lucida alba, new, 18 to 24 in. trans. 2 50 25 00
‘© - multiflora Japonica, 2 to 3 ft. trans. 1 00 8 00
6c nitida, 1 to 2 ft. trans. 1 00 8 00
* rubiginosa Sweet Brier, 18 to 24 in. trans. 1 00 8 00
“ rugosa, Pink, 18 to 24 in. bushy. 1 00 9 00
“ oe oe 2 to 3 ft. bushy, 1 25 10 00
ae ‘“ alba, White, 1 to 2 ft. trans. 1 00 10 00
“ a oy 18 to 24 in. trans. 1 25 12 00
ce setigera, Prairie Rose, 6 to 8 in. seed. 35 2 00 12 00
ss =: #3 oS 18 to 24 in. trans. 85 7 00 60 00
“ - 0 “s 2 to 3 ft. trans. 1 00 8 00 70 00
“ 2 ae oe 3 to 4 ft. trans. 1 25 10 00
“ x 3 +f 4to 5 ft. trans. 1 50 12 00
Rose, Baltimore Belle, 2 ft. trans. 1 50
~- Crimson Rambier, 2 to 24 ft. trans. 12D 10 00
~ . 5 in. pots. 2 50
“ “ 7 in. pots. 3 50
= Dorothy Perkins, 4in pots. 3 50
Coquette des Bianches,
Mme. Plantier,
Philadelphia Rambler,
Yellow Rambler,
15 in, pots.
6 in. pots.
5 in, pots.
2 to 214 ft. trans.
doin. pots.
Per 10 Perl100 Per 1000
Rosa, Wichuraiana,
ee és
Evergreen Gem,
Manda’s Triumph,
Pink Roamer,
South Orange Perfection,
ec 6s
Universal Favorite,
Rubus vitifolius,
Sambucus aureus, Golden Elder,
be eb be heavy,
nigra, European Elderberry,
nigra laciniata, Cut-leaved,
te es
6 ce sé
oe 6c sé
racemosa laciniata, Cut-leaved,
Sophora Japonica,
ee ee
sé a6
ce ee c 6b
Spirzea Anthony Waterer, Pink, dwarf,
té se ae
be ee se se
arguta, White,
se sé
6é ae ee heavy,
a Billardi, Pink,
ce 46 66
te ee “ee heavy,
ss bumalda,
6 ia) heavy,
te callosa, pink,
té es °
a “alba, Dwarf, White,
sc te te te ee
66 sé ee be ce heavy,
¢ ‘¢ superba, heavy,
% carpinefolia, White,
oe oe 66
ES chamzedrifolia. bushy,
Douglassi rosea,
«et se
66 66
opulifolia, White,
(73 ee
ss aurea, Colden-leaved,
2 to 3 ft. trans.
4in, pots.
2 to 2)4 ft. trans.
5 in. pots.
2 ft. trans.
5 in. pots.
2 to 24 ft. trans.
5 in. pots.
2 to 214 ft. trans.
6 in. pots.
5 in. pots.
2 to 214 ft. trans.
2to8 ft. trans.
3 to 4 ft. trans.
1 to 2 ft. trans.
3 to 5 ft. trans.
2 to 3 ft. trans.
2 to 3 ft. trans.
3 to 4 ft. trans.
racemosa, Red-berried Elderberry, 2 to3 ft. trans.
38 to 4 ft. trans.
4 to 5 ft. trans.
8 to 5 ft. trans.
12 to 18 in. trans.
18 to 24 in. trans.
2 ft. trans.
1 ft. trans.
bushy, 18 in, trans.
very bushy, 18 to 24 in. trans.
18 to 24 in. trans.
2 to 234 ft. trans.
21% to 3 ft. trans.
234 to 3 ft. trans.
3 to 4 ft. trans.
4 to 414 ft. trans.
18 to 24 in. trans.
214 ft. trans.
344 to 4 ft. trans.
4 ft. trans., heavy
15 in. trans.
18 in. trans.
214 to 3 ft. trans.
2 to 2% ft. trans.
4 ft. trans., heavy
5 to 6 ft. heavy
3 to 3% ft. trans.
2 ft. trans.
2 to 3 ft. trans.
8 to 3% ft. trans.
18 to 24 in. trans.
3 ft. trans.
4 to 6 ft. heavy
3 to 4 ft. heavy
2 ft. trans.
2 to 24 ft. trans.
$3 50
3 50
2 50
1 50
2 50
1 00 $3 00
2 50
1 00 9 00
2 50
1 00 9 00
2 50
1 00 9 00
2 50
1 00 9 00
2 50
2 50
1 25 10 00
1 00 9 00
1 25 10 00
50 4 00 $30 00
85 7 00
1 00
85 7 00
1 00 9 00
90 8 00
1 00 2 00
1 25 10 00
1 50
1 40
1 50
2 00
1 00 8 00
1 25 10 00
1 50 12 00
90 & 00
1 25
1 50 12 00
90 8 00
1 00 9 00
1 25 10 00
85 7 00
1 00 9 00
85 7 00
1 00
1 25 10 00
1 25
1 00 9 00
1 25 10 00
1 00
85 7 00
90 8 00
1 00 9 00
1 25
85 7 00
1 50
1 00 9 00
1 00
1 25
Per 10
Spirzea Reevesiana, Single, 2 ft. trans. $0 85
< y P: 2 to 2% ft. trans. 90
os Ai ag 24 to 3 ft. trans. 1 00
x “ * heavy, 3 to 4 ft. trans. 1 50
te Regeliana, Deep pink, 4 ft. trans. 1 00
x salicifolia, White, bushy, 3 to 4 ft. trans. 1 00
SS sorbifolia, 1 to 2 ft. trans. 1 00
+ se 2 ft. trans. 1 25
te aS 2 to 3 ft. trans. 1 60
si = 3 to 34 ft. trans. 1 75
2: Thunbergi, East bushy, 2 to 24 ft. trans. 90
ss ne heavy, 2}4 ft. trans. 1 2
od tomentosa, Pink, 2 to 8 ft. trans, 85
#4 ss . 3 ft. trans. 1 00
es Van Houttei, vate 2 to 24 ft. trans. 85
<- a bushy, 3 ft. trans. 90
BS he eS heavy, 3 to 4 ft. trans. 1 50
Staphylea trifoliata, 18 to 24 in, trans. 85
oe dg 5 to 6 ft. trans. 1 25
Stephanandra flexuosa, bushy, 18 in. trans. 1 00
is = heavy, 3 to 4 ft. trans. 1 25
Styrax Japonica, 2 to 3 ft. trans. 1 75
ee obasia 12 to 18 in. trans. 1 50
SF a 2 to 234 ft. trans. 2 00
Symphoricarpus racemosus, Snowberry, 2to 2% ft. trans. 90
es ee 5 ae 3 ft. trans. 1 00
te eS ze ‘“ heavy,3to4ft.trans. 1 25
of vulpacis, Indian Currant, 2 ft. trans. 90
* zu 2 to 24 ft.,trans. 1 00
Syringa Emodi, Pale Lilac, 18 to 24 in. trans. 1 50
* Josikza, Violet, 12 to 15 in. trans. 1 25
“s “ 2 ft. trans. 1 50
a Pekinensis, White, 1 to 2 ft. trans. 1 00
fs eS 2 to 2% ft. trans. 1 25
ve = pendula, 2 year heads, 5 to 6 ft. trans. 4 00
ae Persica, Persian Lilac, 3 to 3% ft. trans. 1 25
re cf wt ue 4 to 5 ft. trans. 1 50
2 “alba, White Persian Lilac, 2 ft. trans. 1 25
2 ‘* laciniata, Cut-leaf Persian, 2to 3 ft. trans. 1 25
* Rothomagensis (Chi nemeyr Red Persian, 12to18in. trans. 90
ay “ 2to 214 ft. trans. 1 2
de velar, Common Purple Lilac, 12 to 18 in. trans. 65
“f 18 to 24 in. trans. 85
ae te “2 ‘s 2 to 2}4 ft. trans. 90
= id “* as 2% to 3 ft. trans. 00
“ . ale Common White Lilac, 1to2 ft. trans. 85
a * “2 2 to 3 ft. trans. 1 00
Per100 Per 1000
12 00
10 00
10 60
7 00
8 00
LO 00
7 00
8 00
8 00
10 00
10 00
8 00
5 00
7 00
8 00
9 00
7 00
8 00
$70 00
75 00
75 00
70 00
60 00
NEW LILACS—White, Red and Purple, Single and Double.
Syringa alba grandiflora, Single White, 2 to 2}¢ ft. trans.
Belle de Nancy, Double see 18 to 30 in. trans.
a es ss 3 to 4 ft. trans.
f Emily Lemoine, Double Rosy Lilac, 1 to 2 ft. trans.
vhs Frau Dammann, “e 3 to 4 ft. trans.
+ Ludwig Spaeth, Purplish Red, 3 to 4 ft. trans.
ss Mme. Abel Chatney, Double White, 1-to 214 ft. trans.
“ es ee ef “hs 3 to 4 ft. trans.
« Prest. Grevy, Double Blue, 3 to 4 ft. trans.
a Rubra de Marley, 3 to 344 ft. trans,
sf Senator Volland, Single Rosy Red, 8 to 4 ft. trans.
Tamarix Africana,
Japonica plumosa,
tetrandra purpurea,
sé sé
Viburnum cassinoides,
“ bushy,
‘¢ Sieboldi (See Japonicum).
“~~ tomentosum,
rT Ts bushy,
“ 3 heavy,
& é heavy
Virgilea lutea,
Vitex Agnus castus, Blue,
Weigela exiabilis, Light Pink,
be very bushy,
“s arborea versicolor,
by candida, puaite,
‘6 é bushy,
6 bushy,
dentatum, Arrow Wood, .
ub bushy,
“ heavy,
Japenicum (Sieboldi),
ts ue bushy,
“sb heavy,
lantana, Hobble Bush,
rf a te bushy,
‘6 st ee heavy,
Lentago, Sheep-berry,
(73 6 me
Ty bushy,
3 heavy,
13 heavy,
tb specimens,
opulus storie, Common Snowball,
opulus nanus, Dwarf,
18 to 24 in. trans.
2 to 3 ft. trans.
3 to 4 ft. trans.
244 to 3 ft. trans.
2 to 3 ft. trans.
5 to 6 ft. trans.
3 to 4 ft. trans.
3 to 5 ft. trans.
2 to 3 ft. trans.
3 to 4 ft. trans.
12 to 15 in, trans.
18 to 24 in. trans.
12 to 15 in. trans.
18 to 24 in. trans.
2 ft. trans.
2 to 3 ft. trans.
3to 8% ft. trans.
1 to 2 ft. trans.
244 to 3 ft. trans.
4to5 ft. trans.
18 to 24 in. trans.
2 to 3 ft. trans.
3 to 4 ft. trans.
18 to 24 in. trans,
2 to 3 ft. trans.
12 to 15 in. trans.
2 fs. trans.
2 to 244 ft. trans.
214 to 3 ft. trans.
3 to 314 ft. trans.
4 to 5 ft. trans.
12 to 187in. trans.
10 to 12 in. trans.
12 to 18 in. trans,
18 to 24 in. trans.
214 to 3 ft. trans.
‘© hvy. 3 to 4 fb. trans.
‘“ hvy. 4to 5 ft. trans.
8 to 10 in. trans.
Per 10
£0 78.
1 00
1 00
1 25
1 75
1 00
1 25
1 50
2 00
1 25
2 00
2 50
1 25
1 50
2 00
1 00
1 25
1 50
2 €0
3 50
1 50
1 00
1 25
1 50
1 75
1 00
oxycoccos eas) High Bush Cranberry; 12 te1l8in.trans. 75
18 to 24 in. trans. 85
plicatui, Japanese Snowball (True), 18 to 24in. trans. 1 00
“6 6 «
prunifolium, Black Haw.
ce be
Eva RathkKe, Crimson,
nana variegata,
«és sé
2 ft. trans.
2 to 3 ft. trans.
18 to 24 in. trans.
2 to 3 ft. trans.
18 in. trans.
2 ft. trans.
4to 5 ft. trans.
5 to 6 ft. trans.
1 to 2 ft. trans.
18 to 24 in. trans.
4 ft. bushy, trans.
4 to 5 ft. trans.
8 to 4 ft. trans.
244 to 3 ft. trans.
8 to 4 ft. trans.
2 ft. trans,
2 to 234 ft. trans.
18 in. bushy trans.
18 to 24 in. trans.
1 25
1 50
1 25
1 50
1 00
1 25
3 00
1 50
1 00
1 00
1 50
1 00
1 00
1 25
1 25
1 50
1 00
Per 100 Per 1000
$6 00
7 00
8 00
7 00
7 00
8 00
$60 00
65 00
PerlO0 Perl100 Per 1000
saa as asi variegata, 2to 3 ft. hvy. trans. $1 25 $10 00
4 very bushy, 3 to 3}4 ft. trans. 1 50 12 00
. rosea, Rose, 2 to 2)4 ft. trans. 1 00 9 00
me “A <p very heavy, 3 to 3l¢ ft. trans. 1 50 12 00
Zanthorhiza apiifolia, 10 to 12 in. trans. 1 00 9 00
Ps Es l1ft.clumpstrans. 1 25 10 00
Zanthoxylon piperitum, 6 in. seed. 35 2 00
eS i 2 ft. seed. 50 3 00
# 1 18 to 24 in. trans. 2 00 15 00
* oA 2 to 3 ft. trans. 2 50 20 00
¥ od 4to5 ft. trans. 3 00 25 00
4&4q@- All of our evergreens have been once or more transplanted. The larger sizes several
times, and the choice varieties we move in a period not exceeding two years. These
choice varieties are all dug with a ball of earth and the ball sewed in a mat. This
makes transplanting almost an assured success. Our evergreens should not be con-
fused with the low-priced plants frequently offered. We move them constantly in
order to secure a good root growth, and they are less liable to loss when shipped.
Abies. See also Picea, page 24. Per 10 Per 100 Per 1000
Abies Canadensis, Hemlock, heavy, 1 to 2 ft. trans. $3 00 $25 00
* + ay se Dito tt, scans. 5 00 40 00
et excelsa, Norway Spruce, 1 ft. trans. L005 2900
. A 12 to 18 in. trans. 1 25 10 00
=S . ‘ 18 to 24 in. trans. 1 50 12 00
Ee ce males Weeping Spruce, 15to 18in.trs., with ball 10 00
“ s 214 ft. trans. ‘“ 15 OU
o a * Ac at Sab yorans es 16 50
“ cs . ie RS 3% ft. trans. ‘ 17 50
F Es Wale’ s Weeping Spruce, 2to 2/4 ft. trans. *“* = 15 00
“ rs 4fttrans, ‘* 17 50
. “ * sf ~ 4to5ft. trans. “ 25 00
ss nigra, Black Spruce 8to4ft. trans. ‘ 10 06
a, 3 ee 44% to5ft. trans. “ 12 50
4: “ Doumetti, 15 tol8in. diam. ‘ 10 00
Andromeda ¢<alyculata, 6 to 8 in. trans. 1 75 15 00
ss floribunda, 12 to 15 in. broad 7 50
Azalea amena, from 5in. pots, 10 to 18 in. 4 00 35 00
aq Our large and fine stock of Azalea amoena are all grown in pots and will be
shipped without breaking the ball of earth, reducing the loss in transplanting
toaminimaom. Our plants are all bushy, well rooted, and will produce a good
show of bloom the first season.
Biota orientalis, Chinese Arbor Vitz, 12 to 18 in. seed. 35 2 50 $15 00
“ nana Bures, Berckman’ s Goiden, with ball 8 to 12 in. trans. 3 50 30 00
~ “© 12to15in.trans. 4 00
2 3 =: ss * 15to 18in. trans. 6 50
Which is the cheaper—to buy 100 evergreens at 50 cents each, dug in the ordinary
way, without ball, and lose one-half of them (the usual experience), or pay $1.00
gw each for them and not lose any?
a a ek a
PerlO Peri00 Per 1000
Buxus arborescens, Tree Box, wich ball. 3 ft trans. $12 50
ie oe “ 3) ft. trans. 15 00
oy arborescens. pyramid form, “ 2 ft. trans. 12 50
x Ss re sCepSithe trans: 15 00
i fe - “ 314 ft. trans. 17 50
3 ~ ie “ 4 ft. trans. 20 €0
** decussata, “ Ol ft. trans. 12 50
“* Handsworthi, “© Ole ft. trans. 12 50
on a ‘* 3 ft. trans. 15 00
e “ 31 ft. trans. 17 50
i ¥ “ 4 ft. trans. 30 00
“ 4l¢ ft, trans. 35 00
- oi ‘“* 5% ft. trans. 40 00
sf Handsworthi, pyramid form, “ 24 ft trans. 12 50
of Ah as ‘<3 ft. trans. 15 00
= ci or ‘© 34 ft. trans. 17 50
‘* Japonica aurea, Golden Box, “© 2 ft. trans. 15 00
se sempervirens, For Edging, extra bushy, 6 to 8in. trans. 1 80 $15 00
an a ss with ball, 4 ft. trans. 50 00
oe suffruticosa, Box Edging, a 3 to 5in. trans. 50 5 00 $50 00
Calluna vulgaris, Heath, = from 5 in. pots, 3 00
Cupressus Lawsoniana Allumi, Blue Cypress, 2 ft. trs., with ball 10 90
is ‘s ee & 216 ft. trans. * 12 50
Erica carnea, a beautiful Pink Heath. 4to6in. clumps. 2 50 20 00
flex monticola, 10 to 18 in. trans. 1 50 12 00
i - 8 to 12 in. trans. 1725 10 00
Juniperus communis alpina, Low Juniper, 12to 1l5in. broad. 3 00 25 00
ae “aurea, Douglas’ Colden, with ball 18 to 20in. broad. 5 00 40 00
* ‘* prostrata, specimens. 3 to 4ft. broad. 5 00
ie Hibernica, frish Juniper, 2 ft. trans. 2 50 20 00
ss “ BS 3 ft. trans. 3 00 25 00
=e Japonica aurea, GoldenJuniper, with ball 18 in. trans. 8 50
S oe “b nC ss 2 ft. trans. 10 00
ee a as ss “214 ft. trans. 12 50
oe ss sf ‘* specimens, ‘‘ 444 todft.trans. 35 60
+ Sabina, Savin Juniper, 10 to 15 in. trans. 2 00 18 00
AS Schottei, with ball, 3to34ft.trans. 13 50
i ob with ball, 4 ft. trans. 15 00
. sinensis alba spica, with ball, 4Sft. specimens, 30 00
we ‘““ argentea variegata, with ball, 3 ft. trans. 15 00
oe “ a 8 with ball, 314 ft. trans. 17 50
ce ce oe ee with ball, 4 ft. trans. 20 00
2 x ot oS with ball, 4% ft. trans. 25 00
= suecica compacta, 18 in. bushy, 2 50 20 00
“_Virginiana, Upright form, Red Cedar, 2to3 ft. trans. 2 00 15 00
“ “s a a OE 3 to 344 ft. trans. 2 50
sé “ 6 ce “ 4 to 4% ft. trans. 3 50
oh es glauca, Blue Cedar 3 ft.trans. with ball 12 50
te ‘“ Rs ee with ball, 34 ft. trans. 13 50
“s “ “ & with ball, 4 ft. trans. 15 00
“ & “c a with ball, 434 ft. trans. 17 50
Us Waukegan, trailing, 18 to 24in. broad, 3 50 30 00
Kalmia angustifolia, Mit. Laurel, with ball, 12 to loin. trans. 3 50 50 00
ss s sc with ball, 18 in. trans. 7 50 65 00
6 “ “ with ball, 2 ft. trans. 10 00
“ “c ee with ball, 234 ft. trans. 12 50
= ° e desire to call particular attention to the evergreens
Special Notice. ees “with ball.” aThese plants were tancplantedt ane
last spring and others the spring previously. They will be dag with a ball of earth and
the ball sewed in burlap, making transplanting now practically a certain success. It is
the only safe method of handling large evergreens. .
Per 10
Kalmia latifolia, Narrow-leaved, 12 to 15 in. trans. with ball $5 00
s se a ce 18 in, heavy ¥ 6 50
oe af af s 2ft.bushy specimens ‘ 15 00
Per 100 Per 1000
$45 Ov
60 00
4a- Our Kalmia are all bushy plants, bushy to the ground; dug with a ball and
handled in the best possible method to insure successful transplanting.
They are all nursery grown stock—not collected.
You cannot get these
stocky plants in collected stock; they are certain to be “ leggy.”
Mahonia aguifolia, 8 to 12 in. trans. 75
Picea balsamea, Balsam Fir, 1 ft. trans. 1 25
4. os °; 18 to 24 in. trans. 1 50
J concolor, Colorado Siiver Fir, 2 ft. trans. with ball 17 50
x * with ball, 214 ft. trans. 20 00
“ 2 with ball, 3 ft. trans. 22 50
“ es with ball, 34 ft. trans 25 00
“_Englemanni, Englemann’s Spruce, 18 in. bushy,with ball 15
ok = ds 2 ft. trans. “
> “ a 214 ft. trans. ‘ 22 50
= 2 “ 7 3{t.trans. ‘ 25 00
“s Nordmanniana, Nordmann’s Fir, 18to24in. trans. “ 6 00
a 4 e zh 2 to 244 ft. trans. * 7 50
“ 2 oe sh: 3ft. trans. ‘ 15 00
-: sh 3 4 314 ft. trans ‘ 17 50
a - os 25 4ft. trans. 2) 00
- pectinata, European Silver Fir, 12to 18in. trans. 12 50
2! pungens,Koster’s Col. BlueSpruce,!2in. trans with ball 13 50
aa “ec ay
ae 15in. trans. “ 17 50
“i u“ “a “s 18 in. trans. * 20 00
ae “ ue “ 2ft% trans, 30 00
4“ ‘ “ as 244 ft. trans, ‘ 37 50
“ “ “ 66 3 ft. trans. ‘* 50 00
“ us ‘ . 34 ft. trans, “ 55 00
6 00
12 00
10 00
&a--The Koster’s Blue Spruce is the BEST Colorado Blue Spruce on the market.
It is recognized as such all over the world. If you buy a Blue Spruce you
want the BEST Blue, and that’s Koster’s.
‘«the best.”’
Pinus Austriaca, Austrian Pine, bushy. 1 ft. trans. 1
“ bs ot 5 18 to 24 in. trans. 1
‘*_ cembra, Swiss Stone Pine, with ball, 10 to 15 in. trans. 5
‘ “ ‘ 6
“ “ ‘ ; 15 to 20 in. trans,
18 in. trans. 50
me “ “ “ a 2 ft. trans. 10 00
+ “ “ ce 4 3) ft. trans. 12 50
me “ “ “ ‘s 4 ft. trans. 13 50
‘ “ “ : Ss 444 ft. trans. 15 00
“ excelsa. Himalayan Pine, ‘ 12to 18in. trans. 3 50
* x “ + 5 18 to 24 in. trans. 5 60)
“ be “6 “i 4: 2 to 3 ft. trans. 8 50
ra Massoniana, = a 4to 4% ft trans, 10 00
4“ “i “ec a — 3 to 544 ft. trans. 12 50
ts us “ vs = 6 to 644 ft. trans. 15 00
‘“ strobus, White Pine, 18 to 24 in. trans. 2 50
a ‘. ts “ec 2 to 3 ft. trans. 3 00
“a “ “ “ 3 to 4 ft. trans. 3 50
‘““ ~ sylvestris, Scotch Pine, 12 to 18 in. trans. 1 25
“ “ oe 2 ft. trans. 1 75
Ty “ ek 2% fr. trans. 3 00
It costs a little more, but it is
10 00
12 00
100 00
ts eee
Which is the cheaper—to buy 100 evergreens at 50 cents each, d
*> way, without ball. and lose one-half of them (the usual exparieneay: = ee
each for them and nut lose any?
Perl0 Perl00 Per 1000
Retinispora filifera, 6 to 614 ft. specimens, with ball $40 00
af ‘“* aurea, golden, 15in. high,18 in. br’d,spec., ‘“ 15 00
aa These are dense, compact plants, several times sheared so that they are as
broad as they are tall—regular ball shaped.
fs obtusa, 12 to 18 in. trans. 2 50
a s 3 ft. trans. with ball 12 50
ss Fe 34 ft.trans. ‘“ 13 40
ss ss 4 ft. trans. AS 15 00
oF “ 446 ft.trans. ‘ 17 50
£ ee 5 ft. trans. se 20 00
“6 ss 54 ft.trans. “ 2250
$6 ss 6 ft. trans. ce 25 00
£6 oe compacta, 6 to 12 in. trans. 300 $25 00
s es es 12 to 18 in. trans. 3 50 30 00
re ss oS bushy, 15 to 18 in. trans. with ball 4 00
ss s magnifica, 4l¢ ft. specimen or 20 00
ss pisifera, 3 ft. trans. es 12 50
oe aC 4 ft. trans. 3 13 50
tf ie 444 ft.trans. ‘* 15 00
<6 ce 5 ft. trans. ss 17 50
su K¢ 544 ft. trans. ‘“ 2000
* ie specimen, 6 ft. trans. 862500
<s “ ai 64g ft.trans. ‘* 27 50
wc s . 7 ft. trans. ott GOOD
ss st aurea, golden, 24 ft.trans, “ 10 00
SS se < ss 3 ft. trans. f 12 50
re rs : ee 344 ft.trans. “ 13 50
es oe ss Se 4 ft. trans. yy 15:00
yy plumosa, 10 to 12 in. bushy 2 50 20 00
x ‘f 15 to 18 in. bushy 3 00 25 00
s $6 2 to 24 ft. trans. 4 00 30 00
Bs c : 3 ft. trans. with ball 12 50
as ‘s 3igft.trans. “ 13 50
s¢ s 4 ft. trans. s 15 00
‘ - 44¢ft.trans. ‘“* 17 50
. ** aurea, golden, bushy, 6to 8 in. trans. 2 00 18 00
% aS ee f 12 in. trans. 2 50 20 00
sé ee te 15 to 18 in. trans. 3 00 25 00
sf a es 18 to 24 in. trans. 4 00
* oS of 214 ft. trans. with ball 12 50
ss ey ce 3 ft. trans. “ 13 50
af . rs 3 ft. trans. ‘ 15 00
ce et a 4 ft. trans. sf 17 50
a < ‘ 446 fi.trans. ‘ 20 00
a se sé specimen, dft.trans. ‘* 40 00
sf sf ee * 6to 644 ft.trans. ‘ 50 00
‘* plumosa sulfurea, extra golden color, 344 ft. trans. ‘ 17 50
x ae Se 6 s 4 ft. trans. ue 20 00
43> These plants are grown from one selected on account of its extra golden
color. It is far superior to the old variety of Retinispora plumosa aurea.
3c squarrosa, silver, 8 to 10 in. bushy, 2 00 18 00
tt ae 10 to 15 in. bushy, 3 00 25 00
S- ce eee 3 ft. trans. with ball, 12 50
Sey a 3: 34% ft.trans. ‘“ 15 00
f ss rs 4 ft. trans. iy 17 50
oS sf sf 4% ft.specimens ‘ 20 00
ae Rosedale Hybrid, 12 to 15 in, bushy 3 00
‘ ¢ We desire to call particular attention to the evergreens
Special Notice. neted “with ball.” These plants were CSaisninn eto see
last spripg and others the spring previously. They will be dug with a ball of earth and
the ball sewed in burlap, making transplanting now practically a certain success. Itis
the only safe method of handling large evergreens.
Perl0 Per100 Per 1000
Rhododendron Hybrids, hardy named. 15tol8in. bushy, with ball $7 50 $75 00
es 18to 24in bushy, $8 8 50 85 v0
a rH 4 2 ft. bushy, oe 13 50 133 00
; a os 214 ft. bushy, * 14 50 145 00
4a—-These Rhododendrons are all of the best well named hardysorts. They were
transplanted last spring and are in excellent condition. They are all bushy
plants and will be dug with a ball of earth and each ball sewed in burlap.
They are well set with flower buds.
Taxus baccata aurea, Colden Eng. Yew, 214 ft. trans., with ball 15 00
i ‘* with ball, 3 ft. trans. 17 50
‘* baceata apt Weeping Yew, “ 244 ft. trans. 15 00
et as + 3 ft. trans. 17 50
af ts cuspidata, Japanese Yew, “ 18 to 24 in. broad 20 00
oe ‘* erecta, Pyramidal English, “ 4 ft. trans. 20 00
a ~ oh ae “ - 4% ft. trans. 25 00
Ct pe oN elegantissima, Colden Yew, 2% ft. trans. 15 00
t A. ‘* with ball, 3 ft. trans, 17 50
= Hibernica, Irish Yew, . 18 in.. trans. 10 00
Re = " 2 ft. trans. 12 50
ss we pie Colden Irish Yew, 18 in, trs., with ball 12 50
“ ne 2 ft. trans., ‘* 13 50
- “if ss Le “ 214 ft. trans. “ 15 00
= cf * “f a 3 to 3% ft. trans. * 25 00
Thuja ar American Arbor-Vitz, 6 to 12 in. trans. 85 6 00 $50 00
i he 12 to 18 in. trans. 1 00 7 00 60 00
vt - ts 2 ft. trans. 1 25 10 00 80 00
wt “ es ‘“« 2344 to 3 ft. trans., with ball 5 00
x . yi “« 3% to 4ift. trans., Pe 7 50
* ste se “ 4% to dft. trans., ‘‘ 10 C0
“ uk globosa, Am. Clobe Arbor- Vitze, bushy,6 to 10 in.trs. 2 50 20 00
“ “ bushy, 10 to 15in.trs. 3 00 25 00
Ke ec us s 12 to 15in., bushy and very broad 3 50 30 00
os * Geo. aus golden, 8 to 15 in. trans. 2 50
ay a ~ 3 ft. trans., with ball 12 50
Re sy i SE 344 ft.trans., *‘ 13 50
oe ne Ef “s 4 ft. trans. “6 15 00
oe ES Be a 44% ft. trans. ‘ 17 50
>: a3 a a 5 ft. trans. f 20 00
fs or aovey ts globe, bushy, 12 to 18 in. trans. 3 00
< 4 = very bushy, 18 in. trans. 3 50
ne # Meehani, Golden-tipped, 8 to 15 in. trans. 3 50
a os pyramidalis, Pyramidal, 18 to 24 in. trans. 2 50
- a 2 aE 2to8 ft. trans. 3 00 25 00
7 “ we xe 3 to 34 ft. trans. 3 50 30 00
“ it ’- en 34 to 4 ft. trans., with ball 6 00 50 00
ax sk spiralis, 18 in, trans. 2 50 20 00
“ a £ 2 ft. trans. 3 00 25 00
~ 1 Verveeneana,Gold.variegat’d, 4 to 44 ft. trs.,with ball 13 50
= a Mage Silver-tipped, 3 to 314 ft. trans., ‘ 13 50
= at 4 ft. trans., a 15 00
- Siberica, Siberian Arbor-Vite, 2 ft. trans. 3 00 25 00
a > globosa, bushy, 8 to 12in. trans. 2 50 20 00
Tsuga Canadensis, Hemlock Spruce. (See Abies Canadensis, page 22)
Yucca angustifolia, 2 year 40 3 00
i filamentosa, 2 year seed. 39 2 00 10 00
ue a 2 year trans. 50 4 00
“ se 5 year trans. 1 00 8 00
ee x pendulifolia, 5 year trans. 1 50
Which is the cheaper—to buy 100 evergreens at 50 cents each, dug in the ordinary
way, without ball, and lose one-half of them (the usual experience), or pay $1.00
gw each for them and not lose any?
4@- We ask particular attention to our ‘‘Pot Grown Vines.” They are well
established plants, strong, vigorous and well grown. They are shipped
without breaking the ball. The best results are obtained from using potted
plants, especially in the fall.
Per1l0 Per100 Per 1000
Actinidia arguta, 1 ft. trans. $1 00
y “ 5 in. pots 250 $25 00
Akebia quinata, 1 to 2 ft. trans. 1 00
fe ts din. pots 2 50 25 00
st oe 6 in. pots 3 00 30 00
Ampelopsis Englemanni, 2to 3 ft. trans. 90 8 00 70 00
Vewent, Japan. or Boston Ivy, 2 to 3 ft. trans. 1 00 10 00
a ss 4in. pots 2 50 25 00
te Virginica (quinguetola); Va. Creeper, 1 year seed. 25 75 3 00
i ey 2 year seed. 35 1 00
ue ee $f s * hvy., 2 to 3 ft. trans. 75 6 00 50 00
Aristolochia Sipho, Dutchman’s Pipe, 7 in. pots 3 50
Bignonia capreolata,(Tecoma)E verg’n Trumpet Vine, din. pots 3 50
by radicans, Trumpet Creeper, 1 year seed. 25 75
. * . 2 year seed. 30 1 00
bh + ie heavy, 2 to 3 ft. trans. 73 6 00 50 00
¥ at os sé 3 to 4 ft. trans. 85 7 00
ES nh x 5 in. pots 2 50
Celastris articulatus, Jap. Staff Vine, 12 to 18 in. 7d 6 00
os ie - oe 3 ft. trans. heavy 1 00 8 00
oe scandens, Staff Vine, 12 to 18 in, 75
ts SC 2 to 3 ft. trans. 85
Clematis coccinea, 5 in. pots 3 50
es graveolens, 2 in. pots 3 50
ot paniculata, 2 year 65 5 00
ob ot 3 year 75 6 00
uC ee 4 to 5 year heavy 1 00 8 00
of oe 3 in. pots 1 50
us Virginiana, Virgin’s Bower, 2 ft. 1 00
Decumaria barbara, 5 in. pots 2 50
Dioscorea batatas, Chinese Yam, 3 in. pots 1 50
Dolichos Japonicus (Pueraria Thunbergil), 5 in. pots 3 50
Euonymus regiCaue, Green-leaved, 6 to 10 in. 1 00 8 00
ae 12tol5in. heavy 1 25 10 00 100 00
ob se “f 2ft. extra heavy 1 50 12 00
He ¥ variegata, 8 to 12 in. 1 25 10 00
CGelsemium sempervirens, Carolina Jessamine, ° in. pots 3 50
medera Helix, English Ivy, 4 in. pots 2 50 25 00
Humulus lupulus, Hop Vine, 2 to 8 ft. 1 00 7 00
Lonicera Belgica, Belgian Honeysuckle, 2 to 27, ft. 1 00
Brachypoda aurea, 2to $8 ft. trans. heavy 1 00 7 00 60 00
et ts h 5 in. pots 2 50 25 00
a Halleana, Hall’s Honeysuckle, 2 to 3 ft. 1 00 7 00
es oe Be fe 5in. pots 2 50 25 00
oe Japonica, Japanese 2 to 3 ft. trans. heavy 1 00 7 00
fe semperfiorens, 5 in. pots 2 50
“ sinensis, Chinese 5 in. pots 2 50 25 00
Lycium barbarum, Matrimony Vine, 1 year 75 6 00 50 00
“ v6 “ cc 2to 3 ft. 85 7 00
ub 6 ce oC 5 in. pots 2 50
NMenispermum canadensis, Moon Seed, 12 to 18 in. 65 5 00
Passiflora incarnata, Passion Vine, 1 50 12 00
Pueraria Thuntergiana, (Dolichos Japonicus), 5 in. pots 3 50
Roses, Climbing, Creeping and Pillar. See pages 18, 19.
PerlO Perl00 Per 1000
Tecoma radicans. See Bignonia radicans.
Vitis xstivalis, Wild Grape, 1 year $0 25 $1 50 $10 00
‘* cordifolia, 1 year 25 10 10 00
a ° 2 year 35 2 00
‘* heterophylla variegata, 1 year seed. 25 1 50
= re . 2 year seed. 35 2 00
a oe 5 in. pots 2 50
‘ labrusca, 1 year seed. 25 1 50
‘* riparia, 1 year seed, 25 1 50
Wistaria frutescens, American Clycine, 2 to 3 ft. 30 4 00
oY . et S 6 in. pots 2 50 25 00
53 magnifica, 18 to 24 in. seed. 50 4 00
- 24 2to3 ft. trans. 65 5 00
2p multijuga, 2 to 3 ft. trans. 2 50
2s Fe 5 in. pots 3 50
= =a Chinese Blue Wistaria, 1 year seed. 35 2 00
18 to 24 in. 50 3 00 25 00
3 15 ms = 2 to 3 ft. 75 6 00
a 23 _ Chinese White Wistaria, 6 in. 1 50 15 00
a - 8to12in. 1 75 17 50
ce - “4 i 5in. pots 2 50 25 00
Perl0 Per 100
Achillea “gyptica, pale yellow, June to October, - 2 - 5 $0 80 $6 00
ee millefolium roseum, deep rose, July and August, . 80 6 00
“ Ptarmica plena, ‘The Pearl,’’ white, double, July, fine potted stock 80 6 00
“ taygetea, canary yellow, Summer, . ; - : 1 00 8 00
J tomentosa, golden yellow, July, . : : E 2 in. pots 60 5 00
Aegopodium Podagraria variegata, nice stock, . . : 80 6 00
Agrostemma coronaria, crimson, June, .« - ° 3 ° : 80 6 00
Ajuga Genevensis, blue, ss fine pins, : : 2 5 : - 80 5 00
“s reptans, ee a3 - . » c 80 5 00
Alyssum argenteum, yellow, May, fine plants - = : - 80 6 00
se saxatile compactum, golden yellow, May, ° . : 4 75 6 00
AnchusSa Italica, dark blue, June to September, + : : : 1 00 8 00
Anemone Japonica alba, white, fall, : : - ° £ : 1 00 8 00
3; «. elerans,; fall... ; . : 1 00 8 00
as “* “Queen Charlotte,” 1 France Pink, i 3 in. pots 80 6 00
i 6 ‘“ 3 se “ e 3 4 in. pots 1 00 8 00
oa ae rosea, rose, fall, - : S - A : 1 00 8 00
= sylvestris, white, May to July, . : ‘ 4 . 2 1 00 8 00
“ a fi. pl., double white, May to July, Hs ‘ ; 1 00 8 00
Anthemis Dobilis, white, June, : ; : : A 3 80
ss tinctoria, yellow, July, . : : - : - 70 6 00
ot pallida, white, July, . : 5 : : ; ae rT
Apios tuberosa, maroon, July and August, . ‘ > A 4 80
Aquilegia alpina, blue and purple, June, . ° ° . : : 80 6 00
caerulea, blue and white, June, f - 80 6 00
“0 Canadensis, scarlet, May and June, 80 6 00
Perl0 Per 100
Aquilegia Chrysantha, yellow, June, ‘ : » $080 $6 00
flabellata nana alba, large white, June, : ° ° ° 80 6 00
ef vulgaris, blue and purple, June, “ ° ° ° ° 80 6 00
ts se alba, June, c A < > - “ 5 80 6 00
Arabis albida, early spring, white, . - - - ° 5 : 80 6 00
Armeria Waritima, pink, dwarf, May, : : ~ é 2 in, pots 80 6 00
ss alba, white, . : : . - . . . ~ 80
Artemisia Abrotanum, ‘Old Man,” : : ° - ° 1.00
es pontica, ‘Old Woman,”’ silver foliage, 2 - e ° 50 5 00
ss Stellariana, white and wooly leaves, . C - ° 1 00 6 00
Asclepias tuberosa, orange, July, . : - . ° . . 1 00 8 00
Aster alpina, bright purple, June and July, : . . . ° 80 6 00
amthystinus, large pale blue, September, . - : ° ; 80 6 00
‘© _ incisa, light blue, July and August, fine plants, . : - ; 80 6 00
‘© _ longifolius ‘‘Lady Trevellyn,’’ white, September, . - - . 80 6 00
‘“ _ Novi-Belgii ‘Top Sawyer,’’ lavender, September, s 6 ° 1 00
‘“ ~—- Purity, light blue, September, : : ° ‘ ° 1 00 8 00
‘¢ _ pyramidalis hybridus, lavender, Sepiombor 4 A ° ° 80 6 00
x Tataricus, light purple, late fall, : ‘ 3 ‘ e ° 1 00 8 00
Baptisia australis, blue, Juneand July, . ° Saat ° ° ° 1 00
tinctoria, yellow, June and July, ° ~ 1 00
Belamcanda Chinensis, red orange, August to September, . 80 6 00
Betonica officinalis, pinkish purple, July, . 4 : . . 1 00
oc orientalis, pinkish purple, July, . ; - : ° - 1 00
< rosea, dwarf, pleasing pink, July, : , : - 1 00
Bocconia cordata, buff, June to August, . : ° : 80 6 00
Boltonia gliastifolia, white, August and September, . : 60 5 00
3: latisquama, pale pink, August and September, - : 60 5 00
Callirhoe involucrata, rich-red, : ‘ = - 2in. pots 80 6 00
cam panula latifolia macrantha, blue, J nie 5 - . 5 . 1 €O 8 00
persicifolia, blue, Juneand July, . - - - 1 00 8 00
oS O alba, white, Juneand July . é - - 1 00
sc a Backhousei, white. June and July ~ : 1 00 8 00
bee pyramidalis, summer, . . : < : . 5 1 00 8 00
x ce alba, white, summer, , : - - 1 00 8 00
* rotundifolia, light blue, June, ; : : : - 80 6 00
ae rapunculoides, blue to violet, July, : : - 80 6 00
Cassia Marylandica, yellow, Julyand August. . . ° 80 5 00
Centau rea dealbata, yellow, August and September, . ° - ° 1 00
macrocephala, yellow, July, . 5 5 ; 1 00 8 00
cs Montana, blue, June and July, : - : 5 1 00 8 00
+ nigra variegata, golden yellow, variegated fonnee ‘ ‘ 80 7 00
Chelone glabra, white or rose tinged, August and September, A ° 1 00
£8 Lyoni, rosy purple, August and September, . : : : 1 00
Chrysanthemums, “Hardy Pompoms.” assorted, . - 646 in. pots 1 25 10 00
Clematis Davidiana, blue, August and September. ‘ : 1 00 8 00
Convallaria majalis (Lily of the Valley), white, spring - 50 4 00
majalis variegata, golden striped leaves, spring, : 1 00
Coreopsis lanceolata grandiflora, golden yellow, summer, fine plants, 5 80 6 00
es rosea, rose, September and October, . ; 4 80 6 00
* senifolia, yellow, July and August, . : 60 5 00
Delphinium chinense, Chinese Larkspur, blue and he. June to August, 80 6 00
oC album, white, June to August, . : : 80 6 00
“ elatum, blue and purple, June to August, ‘ ‘ - 1 00 7 00
ae formosum, indigo blue, June to August, . : ; 1 00 8 00
s Kelway’s Hybrids, various shades of blue, June to September, 1 00 8 00
Dianthus barbatus, ‘‘ Sweet William,” in many colors, May and June,2in. pots, 60 5 00
ee 3° ts ‘s ee field grown, . ; 80 7 00
a cruentes, deep blood-red, July, - . - : 1 00 8 00
* ‘‘Her Majesty,” double white, May and J ne. : : ; 1 00 8 00
= ‘Tord Lyon,”? deep pink, se e : ; : 1 60 8 00
Perl0 Per 100
Dianthus vVariabilis, white, maroon marked, May and June, . ‘ ; $1 00 $8 00
Hy * Cyclops,” pink, May and June, 2 : : ‘ : 1 00 8 00
Dicentra spectabilis, pink, May, 5 80 6 00
Dictamnus fraxinella, red, June ‘ - 2 : 4 : 1 00 10 00
. alba, white, June . = ‘ “ : 5 1 00 10 00
Digitalis grandiflorus, yellow, June to July, 2 5 : 1 00 8 00
sh purpurea, purple, May and June, 2in. pots, . : 2 ; 80 6 00
3 * alba. white ‘ - A: : : : : 80 7 Ov
Echinacea purpurea, pink, July, . : : Z “ 80 8 00
Echinops bannaticus, steel blue, July and ‘August, : - 4 4 1 00 8 00
=e stricta, steel blue, Julyand August. d 3 “ : 1 00 8 00
Eupatorium ageratoides, white,September, . é 1 00
purpureum, fleshy-purple, August and September, 2 - 80
Euphorbia corollata, white, July and August, . ; : : 3 1 00
Funkia Japonica, pure white, September . : 1 00 8 00
Caillardia grandifiora compacta,yellow and crimson, Sua yto Risuteniber, 2in. inate 80 6 00
Geum coccineum, double crimson, June and July, : : 380 6 00
Cnaphalium Leontopodium, ‘“ Edelweiss,” silvery foliage anti, flowers,
3 in. pots, 1 00 8 00
Cypsophilia paniculata, white, July and August, : : : = 80 7 00
oe repens monstrosa, white, July and August : 5 5 80 6 00
Helleborus biger. white or flushed with purple, June . : E . 1 25 10 00
Helenium autumnale superbum, clear yellow, August, F ° 80 6 00
= grandicephalum striatum, yellow, striped with brown, August, 80 6 00
co Hoopesil, orange yellow, June, . 80 6 00
Helianth us decapetalus multiflorus plenus, double yellow; Aug anid Sept. 80 6 00
doronicoides, yellew, July and August, . ‘ ; ; 80 6 00
a gixanteus, yellow, August and September, : : : 80 6 00
&s laetiflorus, yellow, August to September, . . : : 80 6 00
b Maximilliana, yellow, October, 3 : . : 4 1 00 8 00
“; mollis, yellow, August, . ; : : : : 80 6 00
a3 orgyalis, yellow, September and October: A ¢ 1 60 8 00
a rigidus, *‘Miss Mellish,’’ yellow, brown centre, Sept. aad Oct. ye 80 6 00
Heliopsis laevis, orange, mid-summer, ; ; - : ; , 80 7 00
¢ Pitcheriana. orange, mid-summer, : 2 - z - 80 7 00
Hemerocallis flava, lemon yellow, June, . : : : ° : 80 7 00
fulva, bronze, August, 80 7 00
ce * fl. pl. double, August, 80 7 00
6 rutilans, orange, summer, : - y 80 7 00
ce Thunbergi, lemon yellow, July ae Aneust, - = Z 80 6 00
Hesperis matronalis, pink and lilac, May, : : : 5 80 6 00
Heuchera sanguinea, crimson. May and June, . : -(, oth, pots 80 6 00
6 ‘- . field grown, . : ; : ; 1 00 8 00
Hibiscus pROR CH eu witte: August and September - ; * ah Ye. 60 5 00
st ; : : yl a T. 1 00 7 00
“ militaris, pink, August anid Sannnnes Z F : 1 00 7 00
Hieracium auranuacum, orange, June, . : : : : 5 50 4 00
es stoloniferum, yellow. June, . 3 2 : 50 4 00
Hollyhocks, double, field grown. various, June and July 5 : ; 1 00 8 00.
Iberis sempervirens. evergreen, white, spring ‘ ; - : : 1 00 8 00
ce Tenoreana, white, spring, ; : : ‘ E : 1 00 8 00
Inula Helenium, Elecampane, yellow, auly ¥ : é é E 1 00
iris Cengialti, deep lavender, . : - - - : : : 7 6 00
* Florentina, white, May, : : 73 6 00
* Germanica, assorted varieties, as Sotiowe pions pianist May and ane 7a 5 00
Purple Gracchus, yellow and purple
aurea, clear yeliow H. Cramer, delicate pale blue
Amy Robsart Lady Stumpp, lavender and dark blue
Bessie, yeliow and brown La Tendre, lavender
Canary Bird, lemon yellow self Lavender, pale blue
Deiicata, canary yellow ; Mde. Chereau, white ground, fringed blue
Louis Van Houttei, white edged with blue Juliette, white, heavily veined purple
Queen of May, pinkish buff, Sanson, yellow, lightly veined brown
Yolande, blue and purple Souvenir. yellow and brown
Dwarf mixed colors Innocence, lavender, fringed white
Silver King, pure white Josephine, purple
Parkman, lemon yellow, veined purple Light purple
Gluck, yellow, veined brown Dark purple
Coelestine, delicate lavender self Hexagona, blue
Celeste, sky blue
Perl0 Per 100
iris laevigata (Kempferi), mixed, July, . ‘ A ‘ A 5 $150 $12 00
pallida Dalmatica, light blue, June, - “ - “ 5 5 1 2 8 00
‘* spectabilis, blue, June, ; - ‘ : 1 00 8 00
** pseud-acorus, yellow, June, . z ‘ 5 ‘ : ‘ 80 ad 00
‘* pumila, rich blue, early spring, . A ‘ a : 3 60 5 00
** Siberica, blue, June, . : ; - “ ‘ 1 00
af ce Orientale, indigo-blue, J ib. : : : . 5 1 00 8 00
** stenophylia, blue, June, : : ; : - . : 1 00 7 00
** tectorum, lavender, May, . ; : ‘ i ° 1 00
Lamium purpureum variegatum, in Mey: - - + 5 a0 4 00
Lathyrus eran cadorus, pink, summer, 1 00
albus, white, summer 5 : 5 : 1 00
Lavendula vera, Lavender, July, . : x : 5 2 in. pots 7 6 00
Liatris scariosa, purple, September, 1 00
= pycnostachya, purple spikes, July to September 1 00
Lychnis chalcedonica, scarlet, July, . : : : s : 80 6 00
iy viscaria splendens, red, July, : A ; : 5 1 00 8 00
Lysimachia ciliata, yellow, July, 80 6 00
clethroides, white, July to Seneemne 80 6 00
ce verticillata, yellow, July, : : : : ‘ 80 6 00
oe vulgaris, yellow, August, 3 j : 80 6 00
Lythrum Salicaria roseum superbum, rose, August and September, 1 00 8 00
Malva alcea, light pink, July and August, : : : 3 in. pots 80 6 00
Mionarda didyma splendens, scarlet, August and September, 1 00 8 00
2 fistulosa alba, white, August, 2 ‘ ‘ 80 6 00
es purpurea, purple, August, 80 6 00
Myosotis palustris semperfiorens, light blue, april to June, 80 6 00
Cnothera Missouriensis, yellow, June to September, . : : 1 00 8 00
BS speciosa, large white, June and July, . 5 : E 1 00 8 00
Pzeonia arborea (Moutan) Tree Pzonia, assorted, May, 75 cents each o 00
7 officinalis, early crimson, May and June, . 2 0 20 00
ss ae alba, early white, May and June: 2 50 20 00
te ee rosea, flesh pink, ‘* 2 50 20 00
a sinensis, Andre Lauris, red, : 2 00 13 00
cs £ Floral Treasure, mee clear ae 2 00 15 00
a o° Festiva Maxima (true), white, : ‘ 5 00 50 00
ee — Golden Harvest, white, sulphur centre, : ‘ 2 00 15 00
= ‘© grandiflora rubra, immense red flower, 2 . 2 00 15 00
“6 x L’ Esperance, pink, : 2 00 15 00
se < Marie Lemoine, ivory white, 2 00 15 00
te ce Pomponia, Rosy pink, salmon centre, 2 00 15 00
86 x Victoria Tricolor, pink, white and yellow, 2 00 1d 60
a tenuifolia,;crimson, very early, 2 00 15 00
Pachysandra terminalis, evergreen, 80 6 00
Papaver nudicaule, white, 1 00 8 00
oe yellow, summer, 1 00 8 00
‘ aS orange, ee : : : 1 00 8 00
Passiflora incarnata, light blue, August and September, 1 50 12 00
Pentstemon diffusus, blue, June, . : . . 1 00
2 digitalis, white, July and August. . 80 7 00
——— ere ee]
Perld Per10)
Phlox amena, pink, May, : 5 - $0 80 $6 00
‘* decussata, assorted, named wariétion.” as follows, armnier : 80 7 0
Boule de Feu, salmon scarlet, dark eye Mde. P. Langier, bright red
Carran de Ache, bright cerise, white centre Prime Ministre, rosy white, deep rose centre
Brilliant Princess Louise, dwarf, white, pink eye
Chelsea Queen, pure white
Duguesclin, bluish violet shading outto white R. P. Struthers pinkish salmon
Epopee violet, bright fiery centre Richard Wallace, white, violet centre
General Chanzy, orange crimson Terre Neuve, greyish white, violet centre
La Gyne, large white T. H. Slocum, bright red, dark eye
L’Esperance lavender pink, white eye Jean de Arc, pure white, fine truss
L’Evenement, rosy pink
Phlox maculata, purple, July to September, : . - 1 00
‘* subulata alba, white, May, 3 . : : . 70 5 00
4p . rosea, ‘‘Mountain Pink,’’ rose, cai : . ‘ 70 5 00
- y Sadie, lavender, May, 70 5 00
Physostegia denticulata, lilac white, July and August, : 80 6 00
Platycodon grandiflora, blue, July and August, 80 6 00
Mariesi, blue, dwarf, July and August, - 80 6 00
a Ae alba, white, : ‘ . 80 6 00
Polemonium reptans, blue, May, 1 00 8 00
Richardsoni, blue, May, 80 6 00
Polygonum cuspidatum, white, August and Septeniter: ; 60 5 00
Primula Polyanthus, maroon edged, yellow, early spring, 4 in. pots ‘ine! 1 00 8 00
Pycnanthemum linifolium, greenish, July to September, . 70
Pyrethrum Balsamita, pale green leaves, 80
= roseum, shades of pink and red, May and etnies: > 1 00 8 00
* “ ‘* Bridesmaid,’’ double white, June, 1 50 12 00
2 2: mixed, pink and red, June, 1 50
“ uliginosum, white, August and September, 1 00 7 00
Ranunculus acris fi. pl., yellow, May and June, 80 6 00
Rudbeckia fulgida, golden yellow, July and August, : : 80 6 00
cr laciniata, ‘‘Golden Glow,’’ yellow, August and September, - 80 6 00
ce sub-tomentosa, yellow, August, 1 00 8 00
Salvia argentea, silvery foljage. - 1 00 8 00
Saponaria Officinalis, pinkish white, Reece and eptember, 80 6 00
Saxifraga crassifolia, pink, early spring, : : 80 6 00
Scabiosa Caucasica, blue, June, : . 5 1 00 9 60
Sedum albun, white, August and September, 60 5 00
‘* _Hispanicum, pinkish, August, : ; ¥ -80 6 00
=f hybridum, pink, August and Be ntember 80 6 00
mr sexangulare, Love-entangle, yellow, July and Ancusn 70 5 00
‘f spectabilis, pink, August and September, - 80 6 00
Sidalcea malvefiora, pink, June and July, : 1 00 8 00
Spirzea astilboides, white, May and June. 1 00
‘e Japonica, white, May, : 1 00 8 00
+ multifiora compacta, white, May ar iene : = “ 1 00 8 00
> ulmaria alba plena, double white, June and July, 4 80 6 00
Stachys lanata, pink, July, . - : , 2 : 8U 6 00
Statice latifolia, lavender, August, : - . 1 00
Stokesia cyanea, blue, July to September, 1 00 8 00
Thymus serpyllum, splendens, pink, May and June, 80
e variegata, variegated foliage, 80
gi vulgaris, ‘‘Garden Thyme,” pink, June to August, ; 80
Tradescantia Virginica alba, white, summer, . 80 6 00
2 blue and purple, June and lewehon 4 80 6 00
Tritoma uvaria Tuckii, brown-red, June to August, : 1 00 8 00
“« Pfitzeri, orange, all summer, . : - - 1 00 8 00
Trollius Asiaticus, orange, May and June. . , 1 00 8 00
> Europaeus, yellow, May and June, 1 00 8.00
Per 10. Per 100
Valeriana Officinalis, pinkish,Mayand June, _ . ; 3 z z $0 80 $7 00
Vernonia hybrids, purple, September, : ; : ; 1 00
Veronica candida, silvery foliage, blue flowers, J une itl J ae : : 80 7 00
=: circzoides, blue, June, . é : : ; ; 80 7 00
ce longifolia subsessiles, blue, ane : : 3 : t 1 00 8 00
$e Montana, blue, June and July, . ; : : : s 80 7 00
“ Teucrium, blue, June, : : j : . ; . 80 7 00
te Virginica, white, July, 2 : : ; : 2 in. pots 80 7 00
Viola cuculata, blue, May, - : 4 : : : R . 60 5 00
Adiantum pedatum, 75 5 00
Aspedium acrostichoides, é : j : 75 5 00
os cristatum, ., : ‘ ; : 5 A ? é 7d 5 00
ef marginale, 75 5 00
St spinnulosum, 75 5 00
mM: Thelyptera, 75 5 00
Asplenium angustifolium, 75 5 00
Onoclea sensibilis, 75 5 00
= Struthiopteris, 7D 5 00
Osmunda Cinnamomea, 1 00 8 00
t Claytoniana, 1 00 8 00
¥ regalis, 1.00 8 00
Polypodium hexagonopterum, 75 5 00
vulgare, Ta 5 00
Pteris aquilina, vi) 5 00
Arundo Donax, . : \ ; 3 ; : F : 3 1 50 12 00
s* variegata, 3 : : : : ; : f 2 00 17 50
Calamagrostis stricta variegata, . é : ; ; : ‘ 80 7 00
Eulalia Japonica, . : : : : : , ; 1 50 10 00
“f gracillima, : ; , : : : ; 2 1 50 10 00
fe variegata, . : : : : : : : 2 00 15. 00
" Zebrina, . ; 3 : : : : ; 1 50 12 00
Cynerium argenteum, . : F ; : : a : : 2 30
Uniola latifolia, . ; , F . ‘ : : : 1 00 8 00
The Best Nursery Spade
Either Square or Taper Blade
D Handle, Double Strap, Reinforced
Nursery Spade. Weight, 9% Ibs.
We have experimented with a number of different makes of nursery spades,
but. find this to be the strongest, best and most durable on the market. We have
been using this spade for a number of years and it will stand more hard work than
any other make. It is strapped full length of handle both back and front, and half
way up it has double straps, strengthening it in what otherwise would be its weakest
parts. When ordering state if straight or taper blade is wanted.
Price, $1.75 each; $20.00 per dozen.
CONDITIONS OF SALE.—AII offers and acceptances of orders are subject to our receiving
the full quantity for which we have placed orders with our growers and seed collectors.
Failing to get these amounts from them, we reserve the right to reduce proportionately all
orders that have been booked.
GUARANTEE.—While we try to procure the very best seed on the market, we give no
guarantee, either expressed or implied. Samples will always be furnished when applied for.
If the seeds are not accepted on these terms, we must be notified at once. If they are kept
it will be taken as proof that they are satisfactory. ,
ALL CLAIMS must be made upon receipt of goods. RESPONSIBILITY.—After goods
are placed on board cars here we assume no responsibility for their safe delivery.
Peach, Tennessee Natural. The small pits. $1.60 per bu.; Io bus. or over at $1.50 per bu.
Apple, French Crab. 4oc. per 1b.; $10.00 per bu.; 3 bus. at $9.75 per bu.; 5 bus. at $9.50
per bu.; 10 bus. or over at $9.00 per bu.
Cherry, Mazzard. 2oc. per lb.; $7.00 per bu.; 3 bus. at $6.00 per bu.; 5 bus. at $5.00 per bu.
Cherry, Mahaleb. 4oc. perlb.; $18.00 per bu.; 3 bus. at $17.00 per bu.; 5 bus. at $16.00 per bu.
Plum, Myrobolan. 4oc. per 1b.; $11.00 per bu.; 3 bus. at $10.00 per bu.; 5 bus. at $9.00 per bu.
Pear, French. $1.25 per lb.; 5 lbs. at $1.10 per lb.; 10 lbs. at $1.00 per lb.; 50 lbs. at 95c. per Jb.
Pear, Kieffer. $2.25 per lb. ; 25 lbs. at $2.00 per lb.; 50 lbs. or over at $1.75 per lb.
Quince. $1.50 per lb.; 5 lbs. at $1.25 per lb. ; 10 lbs. at $1.00 per lb.
PER 100 PER 1,000 10,000 LOTS
Apple, Western _ ................:.c008 Yin. andup §1 oo $ 6 oo $5 75
“< BE de Soi Inc Nalue We lock J 3-16 in. and up 75 4 75 4 50
ee OI. ON, ver Sante oped ane ath ele 2-16 to 3-16 in. 50 3 00 2 50
Peart; Freneny 2286. sL Gi 6 to Io mm. 125 IO 75 IO 25
ae fh eee ig aire anges eel geal ae RO Pa 5 to6mm I 00 9 25 8 75
ney OSL NAY Ghee: as oh Sh dnd cea dak ae a 3 to 5 mm. 75 5 25 5 00
Cherry, Mazzard. ...........0......0060 6 to 12 mm. I 75 IO 50 IO 00
BS OP ls PW ie Mss aR akg & wala ¥ Boe pas 5 to8 mm. I 25 'g'50 9 00
RS WSS abe al atin dae Iie dagme Sek Soe 3 to5 mm. 85 5 75 5 25
Cherry, Mahaleb ....................2.. 4 tog mm. T 25 IO 00
7 vide eee hee a re ee 3 to 4 mm. I 00 7 50
Plum, Myrobolan.....................6.. 6 to Io mm. I 25 IO 00 9 50
es BE a aadiabd saree ata lyst 5 to 7mm I 00 6 25 5 75
4 OP ch Sap ueap ctr kuniow Ges <pbaee 3 to5 mm. 75 4 50 4 00
Quince, Angers © .............c ces 7 to 12mm. I 50 II 75 II 25
“s WO MS ae SE uae oar ak 4 to 6 mm. I oo 8 50 8 00
Manetti Rose. (46. usc}s. 55. c0 cies 5 to Io mm. 195 IO 50 IO 00
bs Oe VRE he RES gee ect cope medium grade I oo 8 50 8 00
NOTE.—The medium grade of Manetti stocks is a special grade we offer especially
adapted for florists for potting and grafting Tea and other roses. Florists who have been pur-
chasing this stock from us for several years past declare that these stocks are the best for the
purpose they have ever used.
REMEMBER—AIll prices on this list are for the goods at Dreshertown, all duties and
freight are paid by us. No extra cost to the purchaser on this account. Keep this in mind
when comparing prices with other offers. Cost of packing and box additional.
Thomas Meehan & Sons, Inc.
Dreshertown, Montg. Co., Pa.